Bertrand Russell Quotes

A man who makes a bomb for the Russians is helping to establish what is humorously called the Dictatorship of the Proletariat; a man who makes a bomb for the Americans is helping to establish what, with equal humour, are called the Principles of the Sermon on the Mount. But the two men, in spite of the vast gulf between the two cultures that they support, can, as long as they confine themselves to science and scientific technique, converse together without any consciousness of disagreement. In this respect at least the world remains unified.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Human Society in Ethics and Politics, 1954, part II: The Conflict of Passions, chapter 5: Cohesion and Rivalry, n11
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 科学は政治的には中立のものであり、利用の仕方によっては、人類に希望や豊かな生活をもたらすことも、人類に絶望や破滅をもたらすこともできます。科学は急速に発展し、人々の科学的知識は膨大に増えましたが、人々の感じ方や考え方は科学の発達に見合うほど変化していません。その現われの一つが、民衆の支持のもとに政治を行う人間の感性や思考法の陳腐さです。たとえば、アメリカ人の大国主義や傲慢さをトランプ大統領がよく体現しているように思われますがどうでしょうか? そうでないとしたら、トランプを大統領に選ばなかったはずです。
Science is politically neutral, and depending on how it is used, it can bring hope and prosperity to humanity, or it can bring despair and destruction. While science is rapidly advancing and people's scientific knowledge has grown tremendously, their feelings and ways of thinking have not changed as much in response to the development of science. One manifestation of this is the outdated sensibility and way of thinking of those who govern with the support of the masses. For example, do you think that the American nationalism and arrogance are well embodied by President Trump? If not, he wouldn’t have been elected president.
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