![Bertrand Russell Quotes](r366g-j3024.png)
The most satisfactory purposes are those that lead on indefinitely from one success to another without ever coming to a dead end; and in this respect it will be found that construction is a greater source of happiness than destruction. ... At the same time few things are so likely to cure the habit of hatred as the opportunity to do constructive work of an important kind.
Source: Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap.14:Work
More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/HA25-040.HTM
トランプに全面的に信頼を置いているのはイスラエルのメタニエフ政権だけです。アメリカの同盟国である英国も、ヨーロッパの強国のドイツもフランスも、トランプが政権に留まる4年間をなんとか自国に被害をもたらさないようにうまくトランプと付き合おうと思っているのではないでしょうか? 日本の石破政権はもっと悲惨です。石破総理はトランプにおべっかをつかい、ヨイショをして、「どうか私(日本及び石破政権)を捨てないで!」と懇願する愛人のような態度をとっているように見える、と言ったら言い過ぎでしょうか?
The source of President Trump’s power lies in the vast economic and military strength of the United States. If Trump had been born in the United Kingdom, Germany, or France, he would not have been able to exercise the kind of strong "leadership" he does today. Of course, by "leadership," I do not mean a positive force that guides the world in a good direction. Rather, it refers to his ability to make "deals" that steer other nations in the direction he believes to be "beneficial" to the United States at any given moment.
The only government that places full trust in Trump is the Netanyahu administration in Israel. Even America’s allies?Britain, as well as the European powers Germany and France?are likely trying to manage their relationship with Trump in a way that minimizes damage to their own nations during the four years of his presidency.
The Ishiba administration in Japan is in an even more miserable position. Prime Minister Ishiba flatters and fawns over Trump, behaving almost like a mistress pleading, "Please, don’t abandon me (Japan and the Ishiba administration)!"?or would it be too harsh to put it that way?
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