![Bertrand Russell Quotes](r366g-j3017.png)
Conscience has ceased to be something mysterious which, because it was mysterious, could be regarded as the voice of God. We know that conscience enjoins different acts in different parts of the world, and that broadly speaking it is everywhere in agreement with tribal custom.
Source: Bertrand Russell: he Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap.7: the sense of sin
More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/HA17-010.HTM
「良心(Conscience)」が何を意味するかは、人によって、地域によって、国によって、民族によって、様々です。私達はわかったつもりになって「良心」という言葉を使いますが、使われすぎて今ではあまり説得力をもたない言葉になっています。トランプも石破総理も、二人ともプロテスタントですが、それでも二人の良心はとても異なっています。トランプに良心が人並にあるのか疑ってしまいますが、好意的に考える人なら、「トランプの良心は就寝中です!」といったところでしょうか? 安倍派の多くの議員の方々も良心が就寝している時間がずいぶん長いようです。
The meaning of "conscience" varies from person to person, from region to region, from country to country, and from ethnicity to ethnicity. We use the word "conscience" as if we understand it, but it has been overused to the point where it no longer carries much persuasive power. Both Trump and Prime Minister Ishiba are Protestants, yet their consciences are vastly different. One might even doubt whether Trump has a normal sense of conscience at all. But if we were to be generous, we might say, "Trump's conscience is asleep!" It seems that many members of the Abe faction also have consciences that spend a great deal of time sleeping.
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