Bertrand Russell Quotes

Drunkenness, for example, is temporary suicide; the happiness that it brings is merely negative, a momentary cessation of unhappiness.
Source: Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930 chap.1:What makes people unhappy?
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 昔は飲酒の良い効果がけっこう言われていました。しかし、ずいぶん前から飲酒の悪影響がいろいろ強調されるようになり、現在では「適量の飲酒なら心身によい効果がある」 と弁解気味に言われるのがせいぜいのところです。体の大きさや体質によって「適量」は異なりますが、ほとんどの場合「適量」で終わることはないのが現実です。
In the past, the positive effects of drinking were often talked about. However, for quite some time now, the negative impacts of alcohol consumption have been increasingly emphasized. Nowadays, at best, people defensively claim that "moderate drinking has beneficial effects on the mind and body." The definition of "moderate" varies depending on a person's body size and constitution, but in reality, most people do not stop at a "moderate" amount.
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