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The ideal of financial success is set before the young by most of the influences that form their minds. ... Merit not measured in money comes to be despised. Every kind of sensitiveness, being a handicap in the struggle, is regarded as a stigma of failure.
Source: Bertrand Russell: Taking long views,Mar. 30,1932. In Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.
More info.: https://russell-j.com/LONGVIEW.HTM
Things whose value can be measured in monetary terms can generally be treated as “the higher the price, the greater the value,” without much issue. Those who do not find much value in such things simply do not seek “financial success” and can ignore them. The real problem lies in matters related to “value that cannot be measured in money.”
The media, by its nature, frequently covers topics that capture the interest of many people, often to an excessive degree. In doing so, it fosters an attitude that looks down on non-monetary values, overestimates people with high income, wealth, or power, and tends to dismiss economically disadvantaged, powerless ordinary people as part of the “masses.”
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#バートランド・ラッセル #Bertrand_Russell