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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第10章 結婚 10-11 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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恋愛と結婚の関係 (松下彰良 訳)


離婚しない女 [ 萩原健一 ]
価格:3,344円(税込、送料無料) (2024/11/15時点)

 以上のような理由で -それらの理由の多くは,疑いもなく善(いもの)と結びついているが- 結婚(生活)が難しいものとなってしまっており,そうして,結婚(生活)幸福の障害にすべきでないとしたら,いくらか新しいやり方で結婚を考えなければならない。しばしば提案され,アメリカで実際に大規模に試みられている一つの解決策は,離婚をしやすくすることである。もちろん私も,--人間味のある人だったら誰もがそう考えなければならないように--,離婚は,英国の法律で認められている以上の多くの理由で認められるべきである,と考えている。(注:英国では、当時、どちらかが不貞を働かない限り、離婚は認められておらず,ラッセルも苦労することになった)。しかし,離婚を容易にすること結婚(生活)の揉め事の解決法だとは,私は考えてはいない。(結婚しても)子供がない場合は,たとえ両当事者(夫婦の双方)が上品な(見苦しくない)ふるまいをしようと最善を尽くしている場合においてさえ,離婚が正しい解決策になることがよくあるであろう。しかし,(夫婦に)子供がいる場合は,結婚生活の安定は(子どもにとって)かなり重要な事柄であると、私には思われる。(この問題については,家族に関連して,再びとりあげるつもりである。)

Chapter X: Marriage, n.11

For all these reasons, many of which are bound up with things undoubtedly good, marriage has become difficult, and if it is not to be a barrier to happiness it must be conceived in a somewhat new way. One solution often suggested, and actually tried on a large scale in America, is easy divorce. I hold, of course, as every humane person must, that divorce should be granted on more grounds than are admitted in the English law, but I do not recognize in easy divorce a solution of the troubles of marriage. Where a marriage is childless, divorce may be often the right solution, even when both parties are doing their best to behave decently; but where there are children the stability of marriage is to my mind a matter of considerable importance. (This is a subject to which I shall return in connection with the family.) I think that, where a marriage is fruitful and both parties to it are reasonable and decent, the expectation ought to be that it will be lifelong, but not that it will exclude other sex relations. A marriage which begins with passionate love and leads to children who are desired and loved ought to produce so deep a tie between a man and woman that they will feel something infinitely precious in their companionship, even after sexual passion has decayed, and even if either or both feels sexual passion for someone else. This mellowing of marriage has been prevented by jealousy, but jealousy, though it is an instinctive emotion, is one which can be controlled if it is recognized as bad, and not supposed to be the expression of a just moral indignation. A companionship which has lasted for many years and through many deeply felt events has a richness of content which cannot belong to the first days of love, however delightful these may be. And any person who appreciates what time can do to enhance values will not lightly throw away such companionship for the sake of new love.
(掲載日:2016.09.22 /更新日: )