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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第10章 結婚 10-10 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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自由恋愛と家庭の束縛(松下彰良 訳)


未婚じゃなくて、非婚です [ ホンサムピギョル ]
価格:1,980円(税込、送料無料) (2024/11/15時点)

 現代の結婚(の道のり/結婚生活)にはもうひとつ別の困難があるが,それは、恋愛(男女間の愛情)の価値を一番よく知っている人びとが特に痛感しているものである。恋愛(男女間の愛情)は、自由で自発的である場合にしか栄えることはできない。即ち(従って)恋愛(男女間の愛情)は、義務(の一つ)として考えるときには損なわれがちである。誰それを愛するのはあなたの義務であると言えば(言われれば)、確実に、あなたはその人(彼あるいは彼女)のことが嫌いになってしまう(であろう)。恋愛(男女間の愛情)に法律のかせ(束縛)を結びつけるものとしての結婚は、このようにして、あぶはち取らずに終わる(falls between two stools 二兎を追って一兎も得ずということになるのである。シェリー(著名な抒情詩人)は次のように言っている。

Chapter X: Marriage, n.10

There is another difficulty in the way of modern marriage, which is felt especially by those who are most conscious of the value of love. Love can only flourish as long as it is free and spontaneous; it tends to be killed by the thought that it is a duty. To say that it is your duty to love so-and-so is the surest way to cause you to hate him or her. Marriage as a combination of love with legal bonds thus falls between two stools. Shelley says :-
I never was attached to that great sect
Whose doctrine is that each one should select
Out of the crowd a mistress or a friend,
And all the rest, though wise and good, commend
To cold oblivion; though it is the code
Of modern morals, and the beaten road
Which those poor slaves with weary footsteps tread
Who travel to their home among the dead
By the broad highway of the world, and so
With one chain'd friend, perhaps a jealous foe,
The dreariest and the longest journey go.
There can be no doubt that to close one's mind on marriage against all the approaches of love from elsewhere is to diminish receptivity and sympathy and the opportunities of valuable human contacts. It is to do violence to something which, from the most idealistic standpoint, is in itself desirable. And like every kind of restrictive morality it tends to promote what one may call a policeman's outlook upon the whole of human life - the outlook, that is to say, which is always looking for opportunities to forbid something.
(掲載日:2016.09.21 /更新日: )