結婚生活における幸福の条件(松下彰良 訳)
それゆえ,文明人の男女が結婚生活において幸福になることは可能であるけれども,これを実現するためには(if this is to be the case そうなるためには),いくつかの条件が満たされなければならない。(即ち)(夫婦)両者の側に完全な平等感がなければならない。お互いの自由を決して干渉してはならない。(両者の間に)最大限,完全な肉体的・精神的な親密さがなければならない。また,価値の基準について,ある一定の類似性(注:価値観がある程度似通っていること)がなければならない。(たとえば,一方が金銭だけを尊重するのに対して,他方は立派な仕事のみを尊重するような場合は,致命的である。)
Chapter X: Marriage, n.12
It is therefore possible for a civilized man and woman to be happy in marriage, although if this is to be the case a number of conditions must be fulfilled. There must be a feeling of complete equality on both sides; there must be no interference with mutual freedom ; there must be the most complete physical and mental intimacy; and there must be a certain similarity in regard to standards of values. (It is fatal, for example, if one values only money while the other values only good work.) Given all these conditions, I believe marriage to be the best and most important relation that can exist between two human beings. If it has not often been realized hitherto, that is chiefly because husbands and wives have regarded themselves as each other's policemen. If marriage is to achieve its possibilities, husbands and wives must learn to understand that whatever the law may say, in their private lives they must be free.