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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 自伝 第1巻第5章 - 哲学者としてのホワイトヘッド(松下彰良 訳)- The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第5章(初婚)累積版 総目次
* 右上写真出典:R. Clark's B. Russell and His World, 1981.

 英国では,ホワイトヘッドAlfred North Whitehead, 1861-1947.12.31/ケンブリッジ大学講師,1885-1911;ロンドン大学教授,1914-1924;ハーバード大学教授,1924-1937)は,ただ単に数学者として考えられていた。ホワイトヘッドが哲学者として見いだされたのは,アメリカにおいてであった。彼と私は哲学上の見解においては一致しなかったので,2人が協力しあうことはもはや不可能となり,彼がアメリカに行ってからは,自然と,彼と会うことはずっと少なくなった。第一次世界大戦中,ホワイトヘッドが平和主義者としての私の立場に完全に異議を唱えてからは,私たちは疎遠になりはじめた。この問題に関する意見の相違において,彼は私より寛大であった。このような意見の相違が私たちの親密な友情を弱めたことについては,私の方により大きな誤りがあった(松下注:ラッセルは,人間的態度においてホワイトヘッドがより寛容であったと言っているのであり,自分が第一次世界大戦に反対したことが間違っていたと言っているのではないことに注意)
In England, Whitehead was regarded only as a mathematician, and It was left to America to discover him as a philosopher. He and I disagreed in philosophy, so that collaboration was no longer possible, and after he went to America I naturally saw much less of him. We began to drift apart during the first world war when he completely disagreed with my pacifist position. In our differences on this subject he was more tolerant than I was, and it was much more my fault than his that these differences caused a diminution in the closeness of our friendship.
In the last months of the war his younger son, who was only just eighteen, was killed. This was an appalling grief to him, and it was only by an immense effort of moral discipline that he was able to go on with his work. The pain of this loss had a great deal to do with turning his thoughts to philosophy and with causing him to seek ways of escaping from belief in a merely mechanistic universe. His philosophy was very obscure, and there was much in it that I never succeeded in understanding. He had always had a leaning towards Kant, of whom I thought ill, and when he began to develop his own philosophy he was considerably influenced by Bergson. He was impressed by the aspect of unity in the universe, and considered that it is only through this aspect that scientific inferences can be justified. My temperament led me in the opposite direction, but I doubt whether pure reason could have decided which of us was more nearly in the right. Those who prefer his outlook might say that while he aimed at bringing comfort to plain people I aimed at bringing discomfort to philosophers; one who favoured my outlook might retort that while he pleased the philosophers, I amused the plain people. However that may be, we went our separate ways, though affection survived to the last.