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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


IV.-A2.ラッセル関係外国語文献 (逐次刊行物等に掲載されたもの)
及び 所蔵図書館

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(19)The ABC of Atoms, 1923.

01.B. Russell and modern physics, by Max Levien.
Labour Monthly, v.9,n.4: Apr. 1927, p.241-249 & v.9,n.5: May 1927, p.303-313.
* Translated from the German ed. of the Russian periodical.

(21)What I Believe, 1925.

01.Mr. B. Russell's ethical beliefs; a review of What I Believe, by Olaf Stapledon.
International Journal of Ethics, v.37: 1927, p.390-402.

(23)On Education, 1926.

01.A key to the new world; a review of Education and the Good Life, by John Dewey.
New Republic, v.46(n.598): May 19, 1926, p.410-411.
* The American ed. of On Education has title: Education and the Good LIfe.

02.A critique of B. Russell's Education and the Good Life, by Thomas J. Cassey.
Colorad Journal of Educational Research, v.9,n.4: 1970, p.34-37.

(0399)Why I am not a Christian, 1927.

01.Review of Russell's Why I am not a Christian, by T. S. Eliot.
Criterion, v.6: 1927, p.177-179.
(24)An Outline of Philosophy, 1927.

01.Review of An Outline of Philosophy, by L. J. Russell.
Journal of Philosophical Studies, v.3,n.10: Apr. 1928, p.231-235.

02.Mr. B. Russell's An Outline of Philosophy, by H. A. Prichard.
Mind, n.s., v.37(n.147): Juley 1928, p.265-282.

(25)The Analysis of Matter, 1927.

01.Review of The Analysis of Matter, by C. D. Broad.
Mind, n.s., v.37(n.145): Jan. 1928, p.88-95.

02.Review of The Analysis of Matter, by Arthur S. Eddington.
Journal of Philosophical Studies, v.3,n.9: Jan. 1928, p.93-95.

03.Mr. Russell's "Causal thoeory of perception", by M. H. A. Newman.
Mind, n.s., v.37(n.146): Apr. 1928, p.137-148.

(26)Sceptical Essays, 1928.

01.Scepticism and illusion; a review of Sceptical Essays. Unsigned.
Times Literary Supplement, Oct. 18, 1928, p.748.

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