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(27)Marriage and Morals, 1929.

01.Marriage and Morals. Unsigned.
Times Literary Supplement, Oct. 31, 1929, p.860.

(28)The Conquest of Happiness, 1930.

01.Review of The Conquest of Happiness, by F. C. S. Schiller.
Mind, v.40(n.158): Apr. 1931, p.238-241.

(29)The Scientific Outlook, 1931.

01.A mathematician looks at science; a review of The Scientific Outlook, by J. B. S. Haldane.
In: The Inequality of Man, by J. B. S. Haldane(London; Chatto & Windus, 1932), p.253-259.

02.The outlook of B. Russell; a review of The Scientific Outlook, by D. S. Mirsky.
Labour Monthly, v.14,n.2: Feb. 1932, p.113-119.

03.Review of The Scientific Outlook, by A. C. Ewing.
Philsophy; the journal of the British Institute of Philsophy, v.7,n.26: Apr. 1932, p.233-235.

04.B. Russell: Speculatoin on The Scientific Outlook, by Silbilla E. Kennedy.
Journal of College Science Teaching, v.7,n.1: Sept. 1977, p.21-22.

(33)Religion and Science, 1935.

01.Religion, science, and philosophy; a review of Religion and Science, by John Dewey.
Southren Review, v.2: 1936, p.53-62.
02.Review of Religion and Science, by G. Santayana.
American Mercury, v.37: 1936, p.377-379.

03.Review of Religion and Science, by M. C. Otto.
American Sociological Review, v.1: 1936, p.151-152.

(34)Which Way to Peace, 1936.

01.A logical pacifist; means and end of future war; a review of Which Way to Peace. Unsigned.
Times Literary Supplement, Dec. 5 , 1936, p.1006.

(35)The Amberley Papers, 1937.

01.Lord Russell and Lord Amberley; a review of The Amberley Papers, by Philip toynbee.
New Republic, v.156: Jan. 1967, p.32-33 & 35.

(36)Power, 1938.

01.Review of Power, by Leonard Woolf.
London Mercury, v.39: 1938, p.74-76.

02.B. Russell on power; a review of Power, by Frank H. Knight.
Ethics; an international journal of social, political, and legal philosophy, v.49,n.3: Apr. 1939, p.253-285.

03.Power, by Thomas D. Eliot.
American Sociological Review, v.4: 1939, p.279-280.

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