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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


IV.-A2.ラッセル関係外国語文献 (逐次刊行物等に掲載されたもの) 及び 所蔵図書館

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(12)Mysticism and Logic(続き)

02.Review of Mysticism and Logic, by C. D. Broad.
Mind, n.s., v.27: 1918, p.484-492.

03.Logic and pessimism; a review of Mysticism and Logic, by Herbert G. Wood.
Expositor(London), 8th ser., v.18: 1919, p.42-63.

(14)Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, 1919.

01.Some incompatibilities in Russell's Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, by Bengt Hansson.
Theoria, v.33: 1967, p.133-138.

(15)The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism, 1920.

01.Russell's judgment on Bolshevism, by Anthony Flew.
In: Russell Memorial Volume(Allen & Unwin, 1979), p.428-454.

(16)The Analysis of Mind, 1921.

01.Review of B. Russell's The Analysis of Mind, by Alan Dorward.
Mind, n.s., v.31(n.121): Jan. 1922, p.85-97.

02.Review of The Analysis of Mind, by James L. Mursell.
Journal of Philosophy, v.19,n.6: Mar. 16, 1922, p.163-166.
03.Mr. Russell's psychology; a review of The Analysis of Mind, by F. C. S. Schiller.
Journal of Philosophy, v.19,n.11(7?): Mar. 25, 1922, p.281-292.

04.The Analysis of Mind, by John B. Watson.
Dial, v.72: 1922, p.97-102.

05.B. Russell et L'Analyse de L'Esprit, by Georges Dwelshauvers.
Review of Pilosophy, v.33: 1926, p.501-530.

06.Zur kritik von B. Russell's Analyse der Geistes, by Oskar Kraus.
Archiv für Geschichte der Psychologie, v.75: 1930, p.289-314.

(18)The Prospects of Industrial Civilization, 1923.

01.Industrialism and civilization; review of B. Russell's The Prospects of Industrial Civilization. Unsigned.
Times Literary Supplement, Oct. 11, 1923, p.660.

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