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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


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前ページ 所蔵館正式名称 ラッセル書誌・目次 次ページ
01-2.Russell, by A. J. Ayer. New York; Viking, 1972. 168 p. (Modern masters)
01-3. ... London; Woburn Press, 1974. 152 p. 22 cm. (Modern masters)

02.Bertrand Russell as a Philosopher; Russell centenary lecture, by A. J. Ayer. London; Oxford Univ. Press, c1972. 27 p.
* 1972年3月、British Academy での講演

03.Bertrand Russell, by David R. Bell Valley Forge, Pa., Judson Press, 1972. 64 p. (Makers of modern thought)
* Contents: 1.Life. 2.Thought. 3.Significance. Select bibliography.

04.Bertrand Russell; a collection of critical essays, ed. by David F. Pears. Garden City, N. Y.; Anchor Books, 1972. x,387 p. 18 cm. (Modern studies in philosophy, AP 15)
* A selective, classified B. Russell bibliography, by H. Ruja: pp.357-387.
* Contents: Remarks for a memorial symposium(by W. V. Quine) An appraisal of a B. Russell's philosophy(by A. J. Ayer) Russell's logical atomism(by D. F. Pears) Knowledge by accquaintance; individuation by acquaintance(by Jaakko Hitikka) Russell's philosophy of mind(by Anthony Quinton) Russell on perception; a study in philosophical method(by Grover Maxwell) Russell's philosophy of science(by Charles A. Fritz, jr.) B. Russell's logic(by G. Kreisel) The logist foundations of mathematics(by Rudolf Carnap) Russell's mathematical logic(by Kurt Godel) What is Russell's theory of description?(by David Kaplan) Russell's theory of types(Charles S. Chihara) Russell's ontological development(by W. V. Quine) Platonism in Russell's early philosophy and the principles of abstraction(by Jules Vuillemin) Russell's moral theories(by D. H. Monro) A selective, classified B. Russell bibliography(by Harry Ruja)
05.Problems of Knowledge and Freedom; the Russell lectures, by Noam Chomsky. New York; Vintage Book, 1972.
* First pub. in: Cambridge Review, 1971.
* Vintage Book = a division of Random House.
* Contents: Introduction. 1.On interpreting the world. 2.On changing the world.

06.Introduzione a Bertrand Russell, by Antonio Corsano. Manduria; Lacaita, 1972. 91 p. 20 cm. (Societa e utopia, 2)

06.Essays on Socialist Humanism; in honour of the centenary of Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970, ed. by Ken Coates. Nottingham; Spokesman Books, 1972. 220 p. illus., maps. 23 cm.
* Contents: Aknowledgements. Introduction by Ken Coates. 1.Russell's critique of socialist theory and practice, by Charles Atkinson and John Hughes. 2.Anarchism, by Noam Chomsky. 3.Skaking the foundatoins, by Lucio Lombardo Radice. 4.What kinds of individuality, by Lelio Basso. 5.The socialism of Antonio Gramsi, by V. G. Kiernan. 6.Violence, and human self-realization, by Mihailo Markovic. 7.The prospects for socialist humanism, by A. J. Liehm. 8.Comodities, computers and mystification, by Stephen Bodington. 9.Adult education and the liberal tradition, by Michael Barratt Brown. 10.Heresy, ancient and modern, by Vladimir Dedijer and Jean Paul Sartre. 11.The view from the South, by Keith Buchanan. 13.The internationalism of Bertrand Russell, by Ken Coates.

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