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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]


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05.A Meeting in Honour of Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970; philosopher, mathematician, humanist, humanitarian, educationist, rebel, man of letters. Printed by Colin Clapp Ltd., 1970. 28 p. 30 cm.
* Central Hall Westminster, Monday 8 June 1970.
* Contents: B. Russell; a brief biography. The platform. The speakers. The organizations. Selected writings of B. Russell. The platform, the speakers, the organizations. Books by B. Russell.

06.Odyssey of a Liberal; Memories, by Freda Utley. Washington; National Press, 1970. 325 p.
* Has several letters from Russell to author and whole chapters about him.

07.Bertrand Russell, by John Watling. Edinburgh; Oliver & Boyd, 1970. 119 p. 19 cm. (Writers and critics)
* Contents: 1.Biography. 2.Leibniz. 3.Geometry and logic. 4.Bradley's idealism and the doctrine of internal relations. 5.The theory of descriptions. 6.The external world. 7.Fact and belief. References. Bibliography.


01-1.Russell and Moore; the analytical heritage, by Alfred J. Ayer. London; Macmilan, 1971. x,254 p. 23 cm.
* William James lectures which the author gave at Harvard in the spring of 1970.
* Contents: Preface. Bertrand Russell 1.The challenge of scepticism. 2.The theory of descriptions. 3.Logical atomism, pt.1: The primary objects. 4.Logical atomism, pt.2: Russell's theories of judgement and of truth. 5.Russell's conception of what there is. G. E. Moore 6.The refutation of idealism. 7.The defence of common sense. 8.Moore's treatment of abstract entities. 9.The fruits of analysis. Index.
01-2. ... Cambridge, Mass.; Harvard Univ. Press, 1971.

01-3. ... London; Macmillan, 1973. x,254 p. 22 cm.
* First pub. in paperback ed. in 1973.

02.Morals Without Mystery, by Lee Eisler; a liberating alternative to established morality based on B. Russell's views applied to current problems. New York; Philosophical Library, c1971. 118 p. 23 cm.
* This book is based on B. Russell's views, chiefly expressed in his Human Society in Ethics and Politics. * Contents: Introduction. Principles. Applications. Credo.

03.Che Cosa Ha Veramente Detto Russell, by Alberto Granese. Roma; Ubaldini, 1971. 198 p. 18 cm. (Che cosa hanno veramente detto, v.35)
* Bibliog.: p.186-195.

04.Romain Rolland and Bertrand Russell, by Reymont Ladislas. London; Gregory, 1971. 360 p.

05.The Proceedings of the Bertrand Russell Memorial Logic Conference, Uldum, Denmark, 1971, ed. by John Bell et al. Leeds, Eng.; School of Mathematics, U. of Leeds, 1971. 350 p.

01-1.Russell, by A. J. Ayer. London; Fontana/Collins, c1972. 152 p. 18 cm. (Fontana modern masters ser.)
* Contents: Preface. 1.Russell's life and works. 2.Russell's philosophy of logic. 3.Russell's theory of knowledge. 4.Russell's conception of reality. 5.Russell's moral philosophy. Bibliography.

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