1972(続き) 07-1.The Development of Bertrand Russell's Philsophy, by Ronald Jager. London; Allen & Unwin, 1972. 520 p. 22 cm. (Muirhead library of philosophy) * Contents: Preface. 1.Introduction; the character of Russell's philosophy. 2.The early metaphysics. 3.The theory of logic. 4.The philosophy of mathematics. 5.Atomism; theories of language. 6.Atomism; theories of knowledge. 7.Neutral monism; mind and matter. 8.Neutral monism; the private and public world. 9.Politics and education. 10.Ethics and religion. Works cited. Index. ![]() 07-2. ... New York; Humanities Press, 1972. 520 p. 23 cm. (Muirhead library of philosophy) 08.Bertrand Rasel; filozof i humanist, by Arif Tanvic. Sarajevo; Veselin Malesa, 1972. 1973 01.Bertrand Russell Colloquium on Exact Piloshophy, McGill University, 1972-1973; the methodological unity of science, ed. by Mario Bunge. Dordrecht & Boston; Reidel, 1973. viii,264 p. 23 cm. (Theory and decision library, v.3) ![]() 02-1.Bertrand Russell's America; his transatlantic travels and writings, v.1: 1896-1945, by Barry Feinberg & Ronald Kasrils. London; Allen & Unwin, 1973. 371 p. illus. 25 cm. * pp.17-212: v.1-pt.1: a documented account. * Contents: Acknowledgements. Introduction. Part 1: 1.America in 1896. 2.Lucy Donnelly of Bryn Mawr. 3.The Harvard term. 4.First World War. 5.A letter to the President. 6.Cntroversy at Harvard. 7.Hopes and fears. 8.Socialist teacher. 9.Marriage and Morals. 10.Return to America, 1938. 11.A New York appointment. 12.The chair of indencency. 13.The Barnes Foundation. 14.Getting back to England. ![]() 02-2. ... New York; Viking, [c1973,1974]. illus. 25 cm. |
03.Ontology and the Vicious Circle Principles, by Charles S. Chihara. Ithaca,N.Y.; Cornell Univ. Press, 1973. xv,257 p. 22 cm.![]() 04.Bertrand Russell; the social scientist. Editorial Board: G. Ram Reddy et al. Hyderabad, India; B. Russell Supra-national Society, 1973? 1974 01-1.Bertrand Russell's Philosophy, ed. by George Nakhnikian. London; Duckworth, c1974. 278 p. 24 cm. * Papers presented at a symposium held at Indiana Univ. on Mar. 9-11, 1972. * Contents: Preface by G. Nakhnikian. List of contributors. Towards proving the consistency of Principia Mathematica(by Frederick B. Fitch) The undefinability of the set of natural numbers in the ramified Principia(by John Myhill) Formal ontlogy and the foundations of mathematics(by Nino B. Cocchiarella) On the nature of acquaintance; a discussion of Russell's theory of knowledge(by Roderick M. Chisholm) Ontology and the philosophy of mind in Russell(by Wilfred Sellars) Ontology and the philosophy of mind in Sellars' critique of Russell(by Romane Clark) Russell's theories of memory 1912-1921(by David Pears) Memory and perception in Human Knowledge(by W. C. Salmon) The later Bertrand Russell; philosophical revolutionary(by Grover Maxwell) Russell on scientifc inference or Will the real deductivist please stand up?(by W. C. Salmon) Bertrand Russell and the liberal tradition(by Richard Wollheim) Some questions about Bertrand Russell's liberalism(by George Nakhnikian) Bertrand Russell and the peace movement(by Ralph Schoenman) Bertrand Russell and the peace movement; liberal consistency or radical change?(by Edward Sherman) Bibliography I: Works by Russell. Bibligoraphy II: Other works. Index. ![]() 01-2. ... New York; Barnes & Noble, 1974. 278 p. 25 cm. |