
バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 d150 - distinguish A from B

★ distinguish A from B【AとBを見分ける、識別する】

* 似た言い方: tell A from B / know A from B


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For the inexperienced, however, it is very difficult to distinguish passionate love from mere attraction; especially is this the case with well-brought-up girls, who have been taught that they could not possibly like to kiss a man unless they loved him.

If we are so to regard it, we must distinguish the seeing from what is seen: we must say that, when we see a patch of colour of a certain shape, the patch of colour is one thing and our seeing of it is another.
[もし仮に、そう(見ることが直ちに知ることであると)考えるならば、我々は見ること(もの)を見られること(もの)とを区別しなければならない。 たとえば、我々がある形をした一片の色を見る場合、その一片の色と、我々がそれを見ることは、別々のことであると言わなければならない。]

We may distinguish construction from destruction by the following criterion. In construction the initial stage of affairs is comparatively haphazard, while the final state of affairs embodies a purpose; in destruction the reverse is the case: the initial state of affairs embodies a purpose, while the final state of affairs is haphazard, ...


It is difficult to distinguish her from her sister.
 出典:『解体英熟語 改訂第2版』p.238

I'm easily able to distinguish ripe fruit from unripe fruit.
 出典:『鉄緑会 東大英単語熟語 鉄壁』p.16

Historians must distinguish facts from fiction.

If you can distinguish one thing from another, you can see or understand the difference between them.
 出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed