![Bertrand Russell Quotes](r366g-j3027.png)
It is very easy to become so absorbed in our own pursuits, our own circle, our own type of work, that we forget how small a part this is of the total of human activity and how many things in the world are entirely unaffected by what we do.
Source: Bertrand Russell: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 15:Impersonal interests
More info.: https://russell-j.com/beginner/HA26-020.HTM
このような視野の狭さを克服するためには、ラッセルが言うように、自分自身の仕事や属する社会だけでなく、より広い視点から世界を捉える『非個人的な関心(impersonal interests)』を持つことが大切です。
We understand that, as individuals, we are small and insignificant in the grand scheme of the world and have little influence over it. However, we tend to forget this easily. For example, when a strong candidate we support in an election continues to gain momentum, we are prone to the illusion that we, too, have a significant impact on society. But once the election is over and public interest fades, that momentum quickly disappears, leading us to lament or criticize the forgetfulness and lack of awareness in society. Conversely, if others are enthusiastically supporting a different strong candidate but we ourselves are uninterested in that candidate, their excitement may seem like nothing more than pointless commotion.
To overcome such a narrow perspective, it is essential, as Russell suggests, to cultivate "impersonal interests"--concerns that extend beyond our own work and immediate social environment, allowing us to see the world from a broader perspective.
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