バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 w047 - woo
★ woo 【(vt) ~を得ようとする,~に支持をせがむ;求愛する】
* woo ... to do :に~するようせがむ
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出典:ラッセル『結婚論』第6章 「ロマンティックな恋愛」
His wife probably remains sexually cold towards him, which is not to be wondered at, since he never has time to woo her.
出典:ラッセル『結婚論』第九章「人生における恋愛の位置 」
Take, for example, sailors when they come ashore after a long voyage. They cannot be expected to have the patience to woo women who will only come to them out of affection.
出典:ラッセル『結婚論』第11章 「売春」
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:『究極の英単語 v.4 - 超上級の3000語』p.114
Voters are being wooed with promises of lower taxes.
出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary,8th ed.
If a man woos a woman, he spends time with her and tries to persuade her to marry him.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.