蓄財競争(松下彰良 訳)
彼の妻は、おそらく、彼に対して相変らず性的に冷淡であるだろうが、それは驚くにあたらない。彼は、妻に言い寄る暇(時間)がまったくないからである。彼は、潜在意識的には不満であるが、それがどうしてなのか彼には分からない。彼は、その不満を主に仕事で紛らせるが、他のもっと望ましくない方法で,たとえば、賞金を求めての闘い(注:ボクシングやプロレスなど)を見たり、急進主義者を迫害したりして,サディスティックな(可逆的な)快感を得るやり方で,紛らせもする。彼の妻も、同様に満ち足りておらず、二流の教養や、おおらかで自由な生活をしているすべての人びとをしつこくせめることで、美徳を擁護するという仕事に、不満のはけ口を見つける。 このように、夫婦双方の性的不満(性的満足の欠如)は、公共精神とか、高い道徳的水準とかを装った(偽装した)人類一般に対する憎悪へと方向を変えていく。この不幸な状況は、主として、我々(人間)の性的要求を誤解していることに原因がある。聖パウロは、どうやら、結婚生活で必要なものは、ただ性交をする機会であると考えていたようであるが、この見解は、大体において、キリスト教の道徳家(モラリスト)の教えによって奨励されてきた。道学者たちは、性を嫌悪したので、性生活のより美しい面がすべて見えなくなってしまっている。その結果、若いときに道学者の教えを受けた人びとは、自分たちの最善の可能性に気づかないままに世の中を歩きまわること(世渡りをすること)になる。 |
Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.4Consider the life of a typical business man of the present day. especially in America : from the time when he is first grown up he devotes all his best thoughts and all his best energies to financial success; everything else is merely unimportant recreation. In his youth he satisfies his physical needs from time to time with prostitutes: presently he marries, but his interests are totally different from his wife's, and he never becomes really intimate with her. He comes home late and tired from the office; he gets up in the morning before his wife is awake; he spends Sunday playing golf, because exercise is necessary to keep him fit for the money-making struggle. His wife's interests appear to him essentially feminine, and while he approves of them, he makes no attempt to share them. He has no time for illicit love any more than for love in marriage, though he may, of course, occasionally visit a prostitute when he is away from home on business. His wife probably remains sexually cold towards him, which is not to be wondered at, since he never has time to woo her. Subconsciously he is dissatisfied, but he does not know why. He drowns his dissatisfaction mainly in work, but also in other less desirable ways, for example, by the sadistic pleasure to be derived from watching prize-fights or persecuting radicals. His wife, who is equally unsatisfied, finds an outlet in second-rate culture, and in upholding virtue by harrying all those whose lives are generous and free. In this way the lack of sexual satisfaction both in husband and wife turns to hatred of mankind disguised as public spirit and a high moral standard. This unfortunate state of affairs is largely due to a wrong conception of our sexual needs. St. Paul apparently thought that the only thing needed in a marriage was opportunity for sexual intercourse, and this view has been on the whole encouraged by the teaching of Christian moralists. Their dislike of sex has blinded them to all the finer aspects of the sexual life, with the result that those who have suffered their teaching in youth go about the world blind to their own best potentialities. |