バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 s133 - screening
★ screening (n)【(映画などの)上映;審査,選考;集団検診;(窓などの防虫用)金網 】
* cancer screening がん検診
* screen [(v):選別する;(~)守る,隠す(from)| (n) ついたて;網戸;目隠し;(映画の)スクリーン;(粗目の)ふるい]
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あるいは アマゾンで購入 |
One of the worst features of nervous fatigue is that it acts as a sort of screen between a man and the outside world.
Among politicians good men have their uses, the chief of which is to afford a smoke-screen behind which others can carry on their activities unsuspected. A good man will never suspect his friends of shady actions: this is part of his goodness. A good man will never be suspected by the public of using his goodness to screen villains: this is part of his utility.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
The initial screening of applicants is based on academic performance.[志願者の第一次選考は学業成績に基づいている。]
出典:『キクタン TOEIC TEST SCORE 990』p.45
more efficient breast screening
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.