バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 l058 - lust
★ lust【 (n)(強い)欲望;情欲,色欲,肉欲 | (vi) (権力・名声などを)切望する;色情を催す】
* lustful (adj.):好色の,みだらな
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Undoubtedly they stir a transient feeling of lust, but in any sexually vigorous male such feelings will be stirred in one way if not in another. The frequency with which a man experiences lust depends upon his own physical condition, whereas the occasions which rouse such feelings in him depend upon the social conventions to which he is accustomed.
Experience shows, especially in the case of the dramatic censorship in England, that frivolous plays calculated to excite llust easily pass the censor, who does not wish to be thought a prig, while serious plays which raise large issues, such as Mrs. Warren's Profession, take many years to get past the censor, and a play of transcendent poetical merit like The Cenci, although there is not a word in it that could excite llust even in St. Anthony, required one hundred years to overcome the disgust which it raised in the manly bosom of the Lord Chamberlain.
[経験の教えるところでは,特に英国の演劇の場合は,色情(lust)をそそることを目的とした軽薄な劇が,堅苦しい人間だと思われたくない検閲官(the sensor)の目を簡単にパスする(合格する)のに対して,『ウォレン夫人の職業』のような大きな問題点(論点)を提起するまじめな劇が検閲官に合格とされるまでに長い年月がかかり,『チェンチ家』のような卓絶した詩的価値のある劇が,聖アントニウスにさえ色欲をかき立てるような言葉は一つも含んでいないのに,大法官の男性的な心情に引き起こした嫌悪感を克服するのに百年も要した。]
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A miser lusts after [for] gold.[守銭奴はあくどく金をほしがる。]
出典:Kenkyusha New Collegiate English-Japanese Dictionary, 4th ed.
arouse lust
出典:『究極の英単語<SVL>vol.3 上級の3000語』p.284
He attracted women to satisfy his lust.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 8th ed.
Lust is a feeling of strong sexual desire for someone.
出典:Collins COBUILD English Dictionary for Advanced Learners, new ed.