アリスと私は,1894年12月13日に結婚した。(右欄上の写真出典:R. Clark's B. Russell and His World, 1981)彼女の一家は,200年以上の間,フィラデルフィア・クェーカー(17世紀の中頃のイギリスで,当時のキリスト教の儀式化・神学化に反対したジョージ・フォックス(G. Fox,1624-1691)が創設したキリスト教の一派)であり,彼女自身,その時まだ,フレンド派(キリスト友会)>の信者であった。それで,私たちは,セント・マーチンズ・レーン(右上の地図参照)にあるクェーカー礼拝所で結婚した。私は,そこに出席していたクェーカー教徒の一人が聖霊に動かされて,'カナの婚礼の奇跡'(訳注:水をワイン=酒に変えたという,イエスの最初の奇跡/右欄のイラスト参照)について説教したために,それが絶対禁酒主義者としてのアリスの感情を害したようだったと記憶している。(訳注:礼拝会では,精霊に感応した会員が祈りを唱え出すまで全員沈黙を保つことになっている。)婚約期間中,私たちは,しばしばキリスト教について議論したが,結婚して2,3ヶ月たつまで,彼女の意見を変えさせることに成功しなかった。
Alys and I were married on December 13, 1894. Her family had been Philadelphia Quakers for over two hundred years, and she was still a believing member of the Society of Friends. So we were married in Quaker Meeting in St Martin's Lane. I seem to remember that one of the Quakers present was moved by the Spirit to preach about the miracle of Cana, which hurt Alys's teetotal feelings. During our engagement we had frequently had arguments about Christianity, but I did not succeed in changing her opinions until a few months after we were married.
There were other matters upon which her opinions changed after marriage. She had been brought up, as American women always were in those days, to think that sex was beastly, that all women hated it, and that men's brutal lusts were the chief obstacle to happiness in marriage. She therefore thought that intercourse should only take place when children were desired. As we had decided to have no children, she had to modify her position on this point, but she still supposed that she would desire intercourse to be very rare. I did not argue the matter, and I did not find it necessary to do so.
Neither she nor I had any previous experience of sexual intercourse when we married. We found, as such couples apparently usually do, a certain amount of difficulty at the start. I have heard many people say that this caused their honeymoon to be a difficult time, but we had no such experience. The difficulties appeared to us merely comic, and were soon overcome. I remember, however, a day after three weeks of marriage, when, under the influence of sexual fatigue, I hated her and could not imagine why I had wished to marry her. This state of mind lasted just as long as the journey from Amsterdam to Berlin, after which I never again experienced a similar mood.