バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c078 - curse
★ curse [(vt) 呪う;ののしる;(キリスト教)破門する | (vi) 悪態をつく;ののしる || (n) 呪い;悪態;たたり;災い;(the ~)月経]
* Curse it! 畜生!
* Curse you! くたばれ!
* be cursed with ... ~で苦しむ
* cursed (adj.):呪われた;呪うべき、いまいましい
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あるいは アマゾンで購入 |
If the increased power which science has conferred upon human volitions is to be a boon and not a curse, the ends to which those volitions are directed must grow commensurately with the growth of power to carry them out.
Ready credulity in the face of repeated assertions is one of the curses of the modern world, and schools should do what they can to guard against it.
We are white; and therefore God cursed Ham and his descendants who were black. We are Protestants or Catholics, as the case may be; therefore Catholics or Protestants, as the case may be, are an abomination.
But the story of Abraham preparing to sacrifice Isaac, or of the she-bears killing the children whom Elisha cursed, naturally rouses the child's sympathy for another child.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:宮川幸久『英単語ターゲット1900 四訂版』p.213
Our tribe is under a curse.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
He muttered a curse at the other driver.
出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.