* 「マザーグース(ウィキペディア)」 * 「Mother Goose の曲が聞けるサイト ♪」 * 大好き!マザーグース) ![]()
老いたアブラハムは死んでしまった私は間もなく,彼らの注目から逃れる唯一のチャンスは,落ち着いて愛想良くしていることにある,ということに気がついた。一学期後か,二学期後だったか,もう一人いじめられやすそうな少年が新しく入学して来た。彼ら(いじめっこ)にとって,その少年は,いじめやすい上に,都合の良いことに腹をたてた。(←腹をたてるという'長所'があった)。この結果,彼らは,私にかまわなくなった。また次第に,私は彼らの会話に馴れ,ショックを受けなくなった。けれども,依然として,大変不幸なままであった。 野原をつっきってニュー・サウスゲートに通じる一本のフットパス(歩行者専用の道)があったが,私は,よく一人でそこに行き,日没を眺め,自殺について瞑想した。けれども,もっと数学を知りたかったため,自殺はしなかった。もちろん,家族は,そこで日常的にどのような会話がかわされているかを知れば驚愕したことだろうが,私は数学が上達しつつあったので,概してそのまま滞在していたいと思い,そこがどのような場所か,家族には一言も話さなかった。そのクラマーに来てから一年半たった1889年12月に,スカラシップ(奨学金)の試験を受け,下級スカラシップに合格した。ケンブリッジ大学にあがるまでの10ヶ月間を,私は自宅で暮らし,クラマーが私の教育のために雇ってくれた人から教えを受けた。 |
In spite of my previous silent preoccupation with sex, contact with it in this brutal form deeply shocked me. I became very Puritanical in my views, and decided that sex without deep love is beastly. I retired into myself, and had as little to do with the others as possible. The others, however, found me suitable for teasing. They used to make me sit on a chair on a table and sing the only song I knew, which was : Old Abraham is dead and gone,I soon realised that my only chance of escape from their attentions was to remain imperturbably good-humoured. After a term or two, another teasable boy arrived, who had the added merit of losing his temper. This caused them to let me alone. Gradually, also. I got used to their conversation and ceased to be shocked by it. I remained, however, profoundly unhappy. There was a footpath leading across fields to New Southgate, and I used to go there alone to watch the sunset and contemplate suicide. I did not, however, commit suicide, because I wished to know more of mathematics. My people would, of course, have been horrified if they had known of the sort of conversation that was habitual, but as I was getting on well with mathematics I wished on the whole to stay, and never told them a word as to the sort of place it was. At the end of the year and a half at the crammer's I was examined for scholarships in December 1889, and obtained a minor scholarship. During the ten months that intervened before my going to Cambridge, I lived at home, and coached with the man whom the crammer had hired to teach me.