バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c077 - cram
★ cram [(vt)(~に~を)詰め込む(with);猛勉強させる || (vi) 腹いっぱい食べる;詰め込み勉強する;押し寄せる;乗り込む || (n) 詰め込み(一夜漬けの)勉強;すし詰め]
* cram-free education ゆとり教育
* a crammer school :学習塾、予備校(知識を詰め込むことから)
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あるいは アマゾンで購入 |
[これ(このやり方)には,詰め込み(教育)と勉強のしすぎ -これによって(英国の)最も賢い青年たちの大部分が21歳(注:英国における成人年齢)に達する前に,過度のストレスのために,知的にも肉体的にも損なわれている- を一掃する(doing away with)という,付随的な利点もあるだろう。]
They (= the years from 1902 to 1910) were, it is true, extremely fruitful in the way of work, but the pleasure to be derived from the writing of Principia Mathematica was all crammed into the latter months of 1900.
Just before my sixteenth birthday, I was sent to an Army crammer at Old Southgate, which was then in the country. I was not sent to in order to crammer for the Army, but in order to be prepared for the scholarship examination at Trinity College, Cambridge.
At the end of the year and a half at the crammer's I was examined for scholarships in December 1889, and obtained a minor scholarship.
![]() ラッセル英単語・熟語1500 |
出典:宮川幸久『英単語ターゲット1900 四訂版』p.207]
He has crammed a 20-year accumulation of junk into the attic.
出典:『究極の英単語 - 上級の3000語』p.238
The box was crammed with letters. / A huge crowd of people crammed the stadium to watch the game.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
He crammed eight people into his car.
出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.