ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 英単語・熟語 c017

★ charge [(v) 請求する;つけ(クレジット)で買う;非難する、告発する;(義務・責任などを)負わせる、課する || (n) 請求金額、料金;負担;義務;告発;充電]

* 『東工大英単-科学・技術例文集』p.31の説明:元来は「負担・負荷(をかける)の意。金銭面からは「料金支払いの義務」,仕事面では「責任」を負わせることになり,道義的あるいは法律的「負荷」は非難,告発の形をとる。電池には充電により電荷が詰め込まれる。
* an extra charge 追加料金 / free of charge 無料の(無料で)/ intermediary charge 仲介手数料
* charger (n):充電器


A grown-up person in charge of a child should never feel fear. That is one reason why courage should be cultivated in women just as much as in men.

Suppose, for example, to take a by no means hypothetical case, that a professor is dismissed on a false charge of disloyalty.

I adopted David Hume's maxim that 'Reason is, and ought only to be, the slave of the passions'. I am not satisfied with this, but it is the best that I can do. Critics are fond of charging me with being wholly rational and this, at least, proves that I am not entirely so.

The journalists in the United States, especially, do this since for years I have been worrying over the increase of violence in that country and most of my recent writing has been very vehemently against their Government's warlike policies. This method of diminishing my effectiveness alarms and angers my friends and affronts me, but, from the point of these who differ with me, I dare say it is about their only retort. In any case, if the charge is true; I fail to see why anyone troubles to remark on my babblings.


The suspect was charged with first-degree murder.

Special issues are sent to subscribers at no extra charge. / The negatively charged particles stored in the cloud can finally reach the ground in the form of lighting.

How much do you charge for a double room? / He was charged with the robbery.
 出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.

The delivery is free of charge .
 出典:Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 8th ed.