バートランド・ラッセル英単語・熟語 c004 - condition
★ condition [(n) 状態;健康状態,体調;容態;状況;条件,制約 | (vt) (~を~するように)条件づける(- to do)]
* 語源:「con-(共に)」+「dict(話す)」→ 「互いに話し合う」→「話し合って決めた状態」
* conditional (adj):条件付きの;暫定的な;~次第で、~を条件としての
* conditioning (n):条件付け、(空気の)調節、空調、(動物の)調教
* conditioned (adv.):条件付けられた,条件付きの;調節された
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I never held Negroes to be inherently inferior. The statement in Marriage and Morals refers to environment conditioning. I have had it withdrawn from subsequent editions because it is clearly ambiguous.
The deterioration in living conditions must be expected to produce increasing discontent and increasing envy of the more prosperous parts of the world. Such feelings tend to produce war even if, on a sane survey, no good can come of war to anybody.
The Russians discovered that she was a spy, and spared her life on condition that she became a spy for them.
The essence of the ‘conditioned reflex' is this: Given that an animal responds to a stimulus A by a certain action and that the stimulus A is frequently presented to it along with another stimulus B, the animal tends in time to react to B as it formerly reacted to A.
[「条件反射」の本質は次のようなものである。即ち、ある動物が刺激Aに対しある一定の行動によって反応するとし、かつ刺激Aが度々 他の刺激Bとともに与えられると、やがてその動物は前に刺激Aに対してなしたと同じ反応を刺激Bに対してするようになる(ということである)。]
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The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness.
出典:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, new ed.
He was given a conditional visa.
出典『キクタン super 12000』p.29