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バートランド・ラッセル幸福論 第14章 仕事 25-06 - The Conquest of Happiness, by Bertrand Russell

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首尾一貫した目的(松下彰良 訳


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 人間は、自分の人生を一つの全体として見ようとする傾向に関して、(お互い)いちじるしく異なっている。ある人びとにとっては、そういう見方をするのは自然であり、しかも、いくらかの満足感をもってそのようにできることは幸福にとって不可欠である。また、ある人びとにとっては、人生は方向性のある動きもなければ統一性もない、'ばらばらの一連の事件'である。前者の類型に属する人びとのほうが、後者の類型に属する人々よりも、より幸福を獲得しそうであると、と私は考える。なぜなら、彼ら(前者の人々)は、満足と自尊心を引き出せるような環境を一歩一歩築き上げていくであろうが、一方、その他の人々(後者の人々)は、環境の風に、あちこちに、吹き飛ばされ、決して港(安息所)にたどりつくことができないからである。人生を一つの全体としてながめる習憤は,'知恵'と'本物の道徳'の,いずれにとっても,必要不可欠な役割であり,教育において奨励されるべき事柄の1つである。(注:安藤訳及び片桐訳では次のようになっています。安藤訳(岩波文庫):「人生を一つの全体としてながめる習憤は,知恵と真の道徳のどちらにとっても,必要不可欠な部分であり,教育において促進されるべき事柄の1つである。」 片桐訳(みすず書房):「人生を一つの全体としてながめる習憤は,知恵と本当の道徳の両方にとって,欠かすことのできない役割を果たす,そしてこれは教育において促進されるべきこどのひとつだ。」 しかし part はここでは安藤訳のように「部分」ではなく「役割」という意味であり, of wisdom of true morality の of は,片桐訳のように「知恵と道徳の両方★にとって」という意味ではなく,「知恵と道徳の両方★の」と解釈すべきと考えます。つまり,「・・・習慣は,・・・果たす」のではなく,その役割(「人生を一つの全体としてながめる」こと=役割)を果たすのはあくまでも「知恵」や「本物の教育」(の役割)だと考えます。みなさん,いかがでしょうか?) 首尾一貫した目的だけでは,人生を幸福にするのに十分ではない。しかし,それは,幸福な人生のほぼ必須の条件である。そして,'首尾一貫した目的'は,主に,仕事においてその具現化が行われる。
* 下イラスト出典: B. Russell's The Good Citizen's Alphabet, 1953.

One of the causes of unhappiness among intellectuals in the present day is that so many of them, especially those whose skill is literary, find no opportunity for the independent exercise of their talents, but have to hire themselves out to rich corporations directed by Philistines, who insist upon their producing what they themselves regard as pernicious nonsense. If you were to inquire among journalists either in England or America whether they believed in the policy of the newspaper for which they worked, you would find, I believe, that only a small minority do so; the rest, for the sake of a livelihood, prostitute their skill to purposes which they believe to be harmful. Such work cannot bring any real satisfaction, and in the course of reconciling himself to the doing of it a man has to make himself so cynical that he can no longer derive wholehearted satisfaction from anything whatever. I cannot condemn men who undertake work of this sort, since starvation is too serious an alternative, but I think that where it is possible to do work that is satisfactory to a man's constructive impulses without entirely starving, he will be well advised from the point of view of his own happiness if he chooses it in preference to work much more highly paid but not seeming to him worth doing on its own account. Without self-respect genuine happiness is scarcely possible. And the man who is ashamed of his work can hardly achieve self-respect.
The satisfaction of constructive work, though it may, as things are, be the privilege of a minority, can nevertheless be the privilege of a quite large minority. Any man who is his own master in his work can feel it; so can any man whose work appears to him useful and requires considerable skill. The production of satisfactory children is a difficult constructive work capable of affording profound satisfaction. Any woman who has achieved this can feel that as a result of her labour the world contains something of value which it would not otherwise contain.
Human beings differ profoundly in regard to the tendency to regard their lives as a whole: To some men it is natural to do so, and essential to happiness to be able to do so with some satisfaction. To others life is a series of detached incidents without directed movement and without unity. I think the former sort are more likely to achieve happiness than the latter, since they will gradually build up those circumstances from which they can derive contentment and self-respect, whereas the others will be blown about by the winds of circumstance now this way, now that, without ever arriving at any haven. The habit of viewing life as a whole is an essential part both of wisdom and of true morality, and is one of the things which ought to be encouraged in education. Consistent purpose is not enough to make life happy, but it is an almost indispensable condition of a happy life. And consistent purpose embodies itself mainly in work.
