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バートランド・ラッセル 権力 第14章 (松下彰良 訳)- Power, 1938, by Bertrand Russell

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第14章 競争 n.11 - 宣伝の自由

Bertrand Russell Quotes 366


Chapter 14: Competition, n.11

I do not think that a government should ever allow a propaganda urging, say, the assassination of some particular person. For in this case the action recommended may take place even if very few men are converted by the propaganda. It is the duty of the State to protect its citizens' lives unless they have legally incurred the death penalty, and if there is an agitation in favour of some one's assassination it may become very difficult to protect him. The Weimar Republic was too lax in this respect. But I do not think that a stable government ought to prohibit an agitation in favour of making some class of persons legally liable to the death penalty, for such an agitation would involve no threat to legality.

There can be no good reason, even from a governmental point of view, for interference with opinions which do not involve danger to the existence of the state. If a man holds that the earth is flat, or that the Sabbath should be observed on Saturday, he should be free to do his best to convert people to his way of thinking. The State should not regard itself as the guardian of the Truth in science, metaphysics, or morals. It has done so at most times, and does so at present in Germany, Italy, and Russia. But this is a confession of weakness, from which stable States should be exempt.
(掲載日:2018.02.07 /更新日: )