道徳教育は直接的かつ具体的に(松下彰良 訳)
道徳教育は全て,直接的,かつ具体的でなければならない。即ち,それは,自然に発生した(個々の)状況から出てくるもののでなければならないし,また,この個別の事例において行なわれるべきことを,それを越えて,ほかの事例に及ぼしてはならない。子供自身が,その教訓をほかの同様の事例に適用していくだろう。一般的な規則を理解して演繹的に進めていくよりも,一つの具体的な事例を理解し,似たような考え方を似たような事例に適用していくほうがずっと簡単である。一般的な言い方で,「勇気を持て,親切にしなさい」などと言うのではなく,子供に何か特定の大胆なことすることを強く勧めて,そのあとで「素晴らしいよ,あなたは勇気のある少年だ」と言ってやるとよい。彼に自分のおもちゃの機関車で妹を遊ばせ,妹が大喜びしているのを見ているときに,「いいね,あなたは優しい子だね」と言ってやるとよい。残酷さを扱う場合も,同じ原則があてはまる。つまり,残酷さの芽ばえがほんの少しでも見えはしないかと注意し,発達しないようにするのである。 |
Pt.2 Education of Character - Chap.9 PunishmentIt is obviously essential to this method that it should be begun early, and applied to minor forms of unkindness. It is only very small injuries to others that you can retort in kind upon the child. And when you can adopt this plan, do not let it seem that you are doing it as a punishment, but rather as an instruction; "See, that is what you did to your little sister." when the child protests, you say : " Well, if it was unpleasant, you mustn't do it to her." So long as the whole incident is simple and immediate the child will understand, and will learn that other people's feelings must be considered. In that case, serious cruelty will never develop.All moral instruction must be immediate and concrete : it must arise out of a situation which has grown up naturally, and must not go beyond what ought to be done in this particular instance. The child himself will apply the moral in other similar cases. It is much easier to grasp a concrete instance and apply analogous considerations to an analogous instance than to apprehend a general rule and proceed deductively. Do not say, in a general way, "Be brave, be kind ", but urge him to some particular piece of daring, and then say' " Bravo, you were a brave boy" ; get him to let his little sister play with his mechanical engine, and when he sees her beaming with delight say, " That's right, you were a kind boy." The same principle applies in dealing with cruelty : look out for its faint beginnings and prevent them from developing. |
(掲載日:2015.04.29/更新日: )