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バートランド・ラッセル 教育論 第2章 - 懐疑論 対 教条主義(松下彰良 訳) - Bertrand Russell On Education, 1926

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* ラッセルの『懐疑論集』
* 東宮隆「ラッセルの『懐疑論』へのあとがき」
* 右下イラスト出典:B. Russell's The Good Citizen's Alphabet, 1953.

第一部 教育の理想_第2章_教育の目的


Chap. 2 The Aims of Education (OE02-040)

Kindle series
We have thus in modern Japan a defect opposite to that of ancient China. Whereas the Chinese literati were too sceptical and lazy, the products of Japanese education are likely to be too dogmatic and energetic. Neither acquiescence in scepticism nor acquiescence in dogma is what education should produce. What it should produce is a belief that knowledge is attainable in a measure, though with difficulty; that much of what passes for knowledge at any given time is likely to be more or less mistaken, but that the mistakes can be rectified by care and industry. In acting upon our beliefs, we should be very cautious where a small error would mean disaster; nevertheless it is upon our beliefs that we must act. This state of mind is rather difficult: it requires a high degree of intellectual culture without emotional atrophy. But though difficult, it is not impossible; it is in fact the scientific temper. Knowledge, like other good things, is difficult, but not impossible; the dogmatist forgets the difficulty, the sceptic denies the possibility. Both are mistaken, and their errors, when widespread, produce social disaster.

(掲載日:2006.11.13 更新日:)