* コモ湖の風景(YouTube)アーノルド博士,コモ湖にて(承前)
この生まれつき思いやりのある紳士が,自分をサディズムの気分に駆り立て,何のためらいもなく(良心のとがめもなしに),しかも,全て自分は慈悲(神の愛)の宗教に従っているのだと思いこんで,幼い少年たちを鞭打っている姿を思い浮かべるのは,痛ましい。この思い違いをしている人のことを考えると,痛ましい(哀れである)。しかし,彼が「道徳的な悪」--この中に子供たちの習慣的怠惰(怠けぐせ)も含まれていたことを思い出されるだろうが--を忌み嫌うという雰囲気を作り出すことによって,何代にもわたる残酷な世代を世の中に送り出したことを考えると,悲劇的である。高潔な人たちが,自分は正当にも「道徳的な悪」を懲らしめているのだと思いこんで行ってきた'戦争'や'拷問'や'虐待'のことを考えると,私は身震いする。ありがたいことに,教育者たちは,もはや,幼い子供たちを'悪魔の手先'とは考えてはいない。このような考え方は,おとなを扱うとき,とりわけ犯罪を罰するときに,いまだ,しばしば見受けられるが,子供部屋や学校ではほとんど姿を消している。 |
Right: A Photo of Lago di Como: From Google Satellite, c.2006. Chap. 1 Postulates of Modern Educational Theory(OE01-110)![]() 'It is almost awful to look at the overwhelming beauty around me, and then think of moral evil; it seems as if heaven and hell, instead of being separated by a great gulf from one another, were absolutely on each other's confines, and indeed not far from every one of us. Might the sense of moral evili be as strong in me as my delight in external beauty, for in a deep sense of moral evil, more perhaps than in anything else, abides a saving knowledge of God! It is not so much to admire moral good; that we may do, and yet not be ourselves conformed to it; but if we really do abhor that which is evil, nor the persons in whom evil resides, but the evil which dwelleth in them, and much more manifestly and certainly to our own knowledge, in our own hearts - this is to have the feeling of God and of Christ, and to have our Spirit in sympathy with the Spirit of God. Alas! how easy to see this and say it - how hard to do it and to feel it! Who is sufficient for these things? No one, but he who feels and really laments his own insufficiency. God bless you, my dearest wife, and our beloved children, now and evermore, through Christ Jesus.'It is pathetic to see this naturally kindly gentleman lashing himself into a mood of sadism, in which he can flog little boys without compunction, and all under the impression that he is conforming to the religion of Love. It is pathetic when we consider the deluded individual; but it is tragic when we think of the generations of cruelty that he put into the worldt by creating an atmosphere of abhorrence of 'moral evil', which, it will be remembered, includes habitual idleness in children. I shudder when I think of the wars, the tortures, the oppressions, of which upright men have been guilty, under the impression that they were righteously castigating 'moral evil'. Mercifully, educators no longer regard little children as limbs of Satan. There is still too much of this view in dealings with adults, particularly in the punishment of crime; but in the nursery and the school it has almost disappeared. ' |
(掲載日:2006.10.04 更新日:)