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バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 性と個人の福祉 19-01 - Marriage and Morals, by Bertrand Russell

Back(前ページ) Forward (次ページ) 第十九章 イントロ索引 (総目次)



 因習的な道徳は,幼年期にタブーを押し付けることで,その活動を始める(働き始める)。子供は,ごく幼い頃に,大人が見ているときには,体のある部分にさわってはいけないと教えられる。排泄したい気持ち(排泄欲求)を表現する際には,小声で言い,その結果として起こる行為をする際には,人目につかないように(他人に見られないように)しなさい,と教えられる。身体のある部分やある行為には,子供にはすぐには理解できない特別な性質があり,そのために,そういうものは神秘と特別な興味を子どもに与えることになる。赤ん坊はどこからくるかといったいくつかの知的な問題は,黙って考えなければならない。大人によって与えられる答えは,その場逃れ(evasive あいまい),あるいは,明らかな嘘であるからである。
 こういうように教える結果,大部分の子どもは,ごく幼い時から性的な事柄に結びついた根深い罪悪感と恐怖感を持つようになる(のである)。このような性を罪悪と恐怖に結びつける習慣は,(子どもの心に)深く根をおろしていき,ほとんどあるいはまったく,無意識的なものになる。自分はそのような御伽話からは解放されていると信じている人々を対象に,雷雨の間にも,他の場合(状況下)と同じように姦通(不義密通)をする気持ちがあるかどうか,統計的調査を行うことができたらよいのだがと私は思っている。彼らのうちの90%の人々は,心の奥底では(in heart of hearts),もしもそんなことをしたら自分は雷に打たれるだろうと思うだろう,と私は信じている。

Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.1

In the present chapter I propose to recapitulate things said in earlier chapters as regards the effects of sex and sexual morals upon individual happiness and well-being. In this matter we are not concerned only with the actively sexual period of life, nor with actual sex relations. Sexual morality affects childhood, adolescence, and even old age, in all kinds of ways, good or bad according to circumstances.

Conventional morality begins its operations by the imposition of taboos in childhood. A child is taught, at a very early age, not to touch certain parts of the body while grown-up people are looking. It is taught to speak in a whisper when expressing an excretory desire, and to preserve privacy in performing the resulting action. Certain parts of the body and certain acts have some peculiar quality not readily intelligible to the child, which invests them with mystery and a special interest. Certain intellectual problems, such as where babies come from, must be thought over in silence, since the answers given by grown-ups are either evasive or obviously untrue. I know men, by no means old, who, when in infancy they were seen touching a certain portion of their body, were told with the utmost solemnity: "I would rather see you dead than doing that." I regret to say that the effect in producing virtue in later life has not always been all that conventional moralists might desire. Not infrequently threats are used. It is perhaps not so common as it used to be to threaten a child with castration, but it is still thought quite proper to threaten him with insanity. Indeed, it is illegal in the State of New york to let him know that he does not run this risk unless he thinks he does. The result of this teaching is that most children in their earliest years have a profound sense of guilt and terror which is associated with sexual matters. This association of sex with guilt and fear goes so deep as to become almost or wholly unconscious. I wish it were possible to institute a statistical inquiry, among men who believe themselves emancipated from such nursery tales, as to whether they would be as ready to commit adultery during a thunderstorm as at any other time. I believe that ninety per cent. of them, in their heart of hearts, would think that if they did so they would be struck by lightning.
(掲載日:2017.01.14/更新日: )