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バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第十八章 優生学 18-13 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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科学の暴政に反逆する時期(松下彰良 訳)

 こうした優生学的なものの見方は,ある並みはずれて科学的な人々個人的な倫理として始まるに違いないが(注:must きっと~になるに違いない),ますます広く受け入れられて,ついには(最終的には),おそらく,望ましい親には報奨金を,望ましくない親には罰金を,という形で法律に具体化されるようになるだろう。


Chapter XVIII: Eugenics, n.13

This eugenic outlook, although it must begin as the private ethic of certain unusually scientific people, is likely to grow more and more widespread, until at last it comes to be embodied in the law, presumably in 'the form of pecuniary rewards to desirable parents, and pecuniary penalties to such as are undesirable.

The idea of allowing science to interfere with our intimate personal impulses is undoubtedly repugnant. But the interference involved would be much less than that which has been tolerated for ages on the part of religion. Science is new in the world, and has not yet that authority due to tradition and early influences that religion has over most of us ; but it is perfectly capable of acquiring the same authority and of being submitted to with the same degree of acquiescence that has characterized men's attitude towards religious precepts. The welfare of posterity is, it is true, a motive by no means sufficient to control the average man in his passionate moments, but if it became a part of recognized positive morality, with the sanction not only of praise and blame but of economic rewards and penalties, it would soon come to be accepted as a consideration which no well-conducted person could afford to ignore. Religion has existed since before the dawn of history, while science has existed for at most four centuries; but when science has become old and venerable, it will control our lives as much as religion has ever done. I foresee the time when all who care for the freedom of the human spirit will have to rebel against a scientific tyranny. Nevertheless, if there is to be a tyranny, it is better that it should be scientific.
(掲載日:2017.01.13/更新日: )