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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第12章 試験結婚 12-07 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

Back(前ページ) Forward (次ページ) 第十二章 イントロ索引 Contents(総目次)

子供が関係しない男女関係は無視すべき (松下彰良 訳)

 私としては,友愛結婚正しい方向への一歩であり,大きな利益をもたらすものであると固く信じているけれども,友愛結婚は(だけでは)まだ不十分であると考える。子供を伴わない(子どもが生まれない)あらゆる性関係は,純粋に私事と見なすべきであり,仮にある男女が子供を作らないで,一緒に暮らそうと決心(選択)したとしても(if = even if),それは当事者同士の問題であり,他人に関係ないことである,と私は考える。(また)男にせよ女にせよ,事前に性体験をしないままに,子供を作るつもりの(法制度としての)結婚という重大な仕事(事柄)を開始することは望ましいことではない,という考えを私は抱いている。(性の)初体験は,予備知識のある人とするほうがよいことを示す証拠は非常に多く存在している。人間の性行為は,本能的なものではないし,後背位(a tergo)から行われなくなってからは(以後は),明らかにそうではなくなっている。

Chapter XII: Trial Marriage, n.7

For my part, while I am quite convinced that companionate marriage would be a step in the right direction, and would do a great deal of good, I do not think that it goes far enough. I think that all sex relations which do not involve children should be regarded as a purely private affair, and that if a man and a woman choose to live together without having children, that should be no one's business but their own. I should not hold it desirable that either a man or a woman should enter upon the serious business of a marriage intended to lead to children without having had previous sexual experience. There is a great mass of evidence to show that the first experience of sex should be with a person who has previous knowledge. The sexual act in human beings is not instinctive, and apparently never has been since it ceased to be performed a tergo. And apart from this argument, it seems absurd to ask people to enter upon a relation intended to be lifelong, without any previous knowledge as to their sexual compatibility. It is just as absurd as it would be if a man intending to buy a house were not allowed to view it until he had completed the purchase. The proper course, if the biological function of marriage were adequately recognized, would be to say that no marriage should be legally binding until the wife's first pregnancy. At present a marriage is null if sexual intercourse is impossible, but children, rather than sexual intercourse, are the true purpose of marriage, which should therefore be not regarded as consummated until such time as there is a prospect of children. This view depends, at least in part, upon that separation between procreation and mere sex which has been brought about by contraceptives. Contraceptives have altered the whole aspect of sex and marriage, and have made distinctions necessary which could formerly have been ignored. People may come together for sex alone, as occurs in prostitution, or for companionship involving a sexual element, as in Judge Lindsey's companionate marriage, or, finally, for the purpose of rearing a family. These are all different, and no morality can be adequate to modern circumstances which confounds them in one indiscriminate total.
(掲載日:2016.10.12/更新日: )