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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第12章 試験結婚 12-03 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

Back(前ページ)  Forward (次ページ) 第十二章 イントロ累積索引 Contents(総目次)

親子の間の道徳観の違い(松下彰良 訳)

 公認の道徳(世間の多くの人に認められている道徳)が現状のままで変わらない間は,もっと重大な問題は,時々(若者に)災いがふりかかってくる危険である。運悪く,たまたま,ひとりの若い人の行い(やったこと)がどこかの道徳の守護者の耳に入ることがあるかもしれない。(すると)その人物(道徳の守護)は,「良心」に従って進み,(その若者の)スキャンダルをあばいて加虐的なお祭り騒ぎ( a sadistic orgy of scandal)をするであろう。
 また,アメリカの若者は,産児制限の方法に関する十分な知識(a sound knowledge of birth-control)を身につけることがほとんどできないので,望まない妊娠がめずらしくない。これは通常,中絶を斡旋(procure あっせん)することで処理されているが,中絶は危険で,苦痛を伴い,違法であり,しかも,隠してておくことは決して容易ではない。


Chapter XII: Trial Marriage, n.3

A graver matter, while official morality remains what it is, is the risk of occasional disaster. By ill luck it may happen that some one young person's doings come to the ears of some guardian of morality, who will proceed with a good conscience to a sadistic orgy of scandal. And since it is almost impossible for young people in America to acquire a sound knowledge of birth-control methods, unintended pregnancies are not infrequent. These are generally dealt with by procuring abortion, which is dangerous, painful, illegal, and by no means easy to keep secret. The complete gulf between the morals of the young and the morals of the old, which exists very commonly in present-day America, has another unfortunate result, namely that often there can be no real intimacy or friendship between parents and children, and that the parents are incapable of helping their children with advice or sympathy. When young people get into a difficulty, they cannot speak of it to their parents without producing an explosion - possibly scandal, certainly a hysterical upheaval. The relation of parent and child has thus ceased to be one performing any useful function after the child has reached adolescence. How much more civilized are the Trobriand Islanders, where a father will say to his daughter's lover:
"You sleep with my child: very well, marry her."
(note: Malinowski, The Sexual Life of Savages, p. 73)

(掲載日:2016.10.07 /更新日: )