生計の手段としての結婚(松下彰良 訳)
もちろん,このことは,売春だけでなく,大部分,結婚にもあてはまる。結婚は,女性にとって最も普通な生計の手段であり,女性が欲求がないのに耐えている性行為の総量は,多分,売春においてよりも結婚生活においてのほうが多いであろう。 性関係における道徳(性道徳)は,迷信にとらわれていない場合は,本質的に,相手を尊敬すること,及び,相手の気持ちを考慮することなしに,個人的満足のための手段としてのみ相手を利用したがらないこと,から成り立っている。売春婦に敬意が払われ,性病の危険が除かれたとしても,(それでもやはり)売春が望ましくないのは(望ましくないままであるのは),この原理に背くからである。 |
Chapter XI: Prostitution, n.8The intrusion of the economic motive into sex is always in a greater or lesser degree disastrous. Sexual relations should be a mutual delight, entered into solely from the spontaneous impulse of both parties. Where this is not the case, everything that is valuable is absent. To use another person in so intimate a manner is to be lacking in that respect for the human being as such, out of which all true morality must spring. To a sensitive person, such an act cannot be in any serious way attractive. If, nevertheless, it is performed from the sheer strength of the physical urge, it is likely to lead to remorse, and in remorse a man's judgments of value are disordered. This applies, of course, not only to prostitution, but almost as much to marriage. Marriage is for women the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution. Morality in sexual relations, when it is free from superstition, consists essentially of respect for the other person, and unwillingness to use that person solely as a means of personal gratification without regard to his or her desires. It is because prostitution sins against this principle that it would remain undesirable even if prostitutes were respected and the risk of venereal disease were eliminated. |