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バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第11章 売春 11-07 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

Back(前ページ) Forward (次ページ) 第十一章 イントロ索引 Contents(総目次)

買春の心理的悪影響(松下彰良 訳)

 売春婦(娼婦)に接すること(つきあうこと)がどんな程度でも(at all 少しでも,あるいは頻繁であっても)習慣的になると,男性に悪い心理的影響を与える恐れがある。彼は,性交をするために相手を喜ばせる必要はないと考える癖(習慣)がつくであろう。また,普通の道徳律を重んじている(respect 敬意を持っている)のであれば,性交をするにいたるいかなる女性をも軽蔑しがちになるであろう。こういう精神状態の(による)結婚に対する反応は,結婚を売春と同一視する形をとる場合にせよ,反対に,できるだけ広く売春と(は)区別する形をとる場合にせよ,はなはだ不幸なものになる可能性がある。男性の中には,自分が深く愛し尊敬している女性と性交をする気持ちになれない者がいる。フロイト学派(フロイト主義者たち)は,これをエディプス・コンプレックスのせいであるとするが,私には,そういう女性と売春婦(娼婦)との間にできるだけ広い隔たりを置きたいという欲求による場合が非常に多い,と考える。

Chapter XI: Prostitution, n.7

Association with prostitutes, if it becomes at all habitual, is likely to have a bad psychological effect upon a man. He will get into the habit of feeling that it is not necessary to please in order to have sexual intercourse. He will also, if he respects the usual moral code, tend to feel contempt for any woman with whom he has intercourse. The reaction of this state of mind upon marriage may be extraordinarily unfortunate, both where it takes the form of assimilating marriage to prostitution, and where it takes the opposite form of differentiating it as widely as possible. Some men are incapable of desiring sexual intercourse with a woman whom they deeply love and respect. This is attributed by Freudians to the Oedipus complex, but is, I think, quite as often due to the desire to place as wide a gulf as possible between such women and prostitutes. Without going to these extreme lengths, many men, especially old-fashioned men, treat their wives with an exaggerated respect, which leaves them psychologically virginal, and prevents them from experiencing sexual pleasure. Exactly the opposite evils result when a man in imagination assimilates his wife to a prostitute. This leads him to forget that sexual intercourse should only occur when both desire it, and that it should be approached invariably by a period of courtship. He is accordingly rough and brutal with his wife, and produces in her a disgust which it is very difficult to eradicate.
(掲載日:2016.10.01 /更新日: )