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バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第9章 人生における恋愛の位置 09-08 - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand

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夫と妻 (岩波新書) [ 永六輔 ]
価格:858円(税込、送料無料) (2024/11/14時点)

 因習的な教育恋愛に -いや,結婚の中の愛情にさえ- 植えつけた罪の意識(罪悪感)は,女性ばかりではなく,男性の中でも,また,古い伝統にしがみついている人びとだけでなく,意識的には解放された意見を持っている人びとの中でも,しばしば,潜在意識的に働いている(作用している)。こうした心的態度のもたらす結果は,様々である。それは,性行為(love-making)において,男性をしばしば粗暴で,不器用で,思いやりのない人間にする。なぜなら,男性は,女性の気持ちを確かめるために性行為について話題にする気になれないし,また,大部分の女性の喜びにとって不可欠な,最後の行為(final act)に徐々に近づいていくことの価値(重要性)を十分に理解することができないからである。実際,男たちは,女性は(性的)喜びを経験するべきであり,それが経験できない場合は,男のほうに責任がある,ということを理解していないことが多い。

Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.8

The sense of sin which a conventional education attaches to love, even to love within marriage, operates often subconsciously in men as well as in women, and in those whose conscious opinions are emancipated as well as in those who adhere to old traditions. The effects of this attitude are various; it often renders men brutal, clumsy and unsympathetic in their love-making, since they cannot bring themselves to speak about it so as to ascertain the woman's feelings, nor can they adequately value the gradual approaches to the final act which are essential to most women's enjoyment. Indeed they often fail to realize that a woman should experience enjoyment, and that if she does not, her lover is at fault. In women who have been conventionally educated there is often a certain pride in coldness, there is great physical reserve, and an unwillingness to allow easy physical intimacy. A skilful wooer can probably overcome these timidities, but a man who respects and admires them as the mark of a virtuous woman is not likely to overcome them, with the result that even after many years of marriage the relations of husband and wife remain constrained and more or less formal. In the days of our grandfathers, husbands never expected to see their wives naked, and their wives would have been horrified at such a suggestion. This attitude is still commoner than might be thought, and even among those who have advanced beyond this point, a good deal of the old restraint often remains.
(掲載日:2016.09.06 /更新日: )