恋愛経験の有無の影響(松下彰良 訳)
互いに愛しあっている場合でも、どちらか一方がそれが(その愛)が罪だと信じていればその愛は毒されてしまうだろう。もちろん、この信念には確かな根拠のある場合もあるであろう(well founded)。たとえば、パーネル(Charles Stewart Parnell, 1846 -1891:アイルランドの政治指導者)は姦通によって確かに罪を犯した。というのは,パーネルは、それによってアイルランドの希望(注:アイルランド自治)の実現を多年にわたって遅らせたからである。しかし、罪の意識は、(それを持つ)根拠がないときでも、やはり恋愛感情を毒することであろう。もしも、愛に可能なかぎりの善の全てをもたらせたいと思うなら、愛は自由で,惜しみなく,制限がなく、真心のこもったものでなければならない。
Chapter IX: The place of love in human life, n.7
Most men and women, given suitable conditions, will feel passionate love at some period of their lives. For the inexperienced, however, it is very difficult to distinguish passionate love from mere attraction; especially is this the case with well-brought-up girls, who have been taught that they could not possibly like to kiss a man unless they loved him. If a girl is expected to be a virgin when she marries, it will very often happen that she is trapped by a transient and trivial sex attraction, which a woman with sexual experience could easily distinguish from love. This has undoubtedly been a frequent cause of unhappy marriages. Even where mutual love exists, it may be poisoned by the belief of one or other that it is sinful. This belief may, of course, be well founded. Parnell, for example, undoubtedly sinned in committing adultery, since he thereby postponed the fulfilment of the hopes of Ireland for many years. But even where the sense of sin is unfounded, it will poison love just as much. If love is to bring all the good of which it is capable, it must be free, generous, unrestrained and wholehearted.