けれども、女性の政治的な解放は、われわれの(現在取り扱っている)主題と間接的な関わりしか持っていない。(即ち)結婚と道徳との関連で重要なのは、女性の社会的な解放である。古代においては(歴史の早い時分から),また,東洋においては今日にいたるまで,女性の道徳的美点(貞操など)は女性を隔離(分離)することで確保された。女性に内的な自制心を与えようとする試みはまったくなされなかったが、罪を犯す機会を(すっかり)取り除くためにはあらゆることがなされた。西洋においては、この方法が心から採用されたことはなかったけれども、尊敬すべき(立派な)女性は、出来る限り幼い時から,婚外性交を恐れるように教育された。この教育方法が次第に完全なものになっていくにつれて、外的な障壁は、次第に取り除かれていった。外的な障壁を取り除くのに最も尽力した人びとは、内的な降壁だけで十分だろうと信じていた。たとえば、良く教育された(躾の良い)良家の上品な子女は、どれほど身を委ねる機会(相手に屈服する機会)を許されたとしても、若い男の誘い(言い寄り)に負けることはないだろうから、付き添いの女性(注: chaperon)は不要であると考えられた。
ヴィクトリア朝時代の女性は -現在でも非常に多くの女性はそうであるが- 精神的な牢獄の中にいた。この牢獄は、はっきりと意識されることはなかった(人間の意識に明らかなものではなかった)。それは、潜在意識的な抑制(抑圧)から成り立っていたからである。今日の若い人びとの間では、この抑制(抑圧)は衰えてきており、その結果、山ほどの淑女ぶり(性的潔癖さ)の下に埋められていた本能的な欲望が再び意識のなかに現われてきている。このことは、現在、一つの国や一つの階級だけではなくて、あらゆる文明国とあらゆる階級の性道徳に、非常に革命的な影響を及ぼしつつある。
Chapter VII: The Liberation of women
The political emancipation of women, however, concerns our theme only indirectly ; it is their social emancipation that is important in connection with marriage and morals. In early days, and in the East down to our time, the virtue of women was secured by segregating them. No attempt was made to give them inward self-control, but everything was done to take away all opportunity for sin. In the West this method was never adopted wholeheartedly, but respectable women were educated from their earliest years so as to have a horror of sexual intercourse outside marriage. As the methods of this education became more and more perfected, the outward barriers were more and more removed. Those who did most to remove the outward barriers were convinced that the inward barriers would be sufficient. It was thought, for example, that the chaperon was unnecessary, since a nice girl who had been well brought up would never yield to the advances of young men, whatever opportunities of yielding might be allowed her. It was generally held by respectable women when I was young that sexual intercourse was displeasing to the great majority of women, and was only endured within marriage from a sense of duty; holding this view, they were not unwilling to risk a greater degree of freedom for their daughters than had seemed wise in more realistic ages. The results have perhaps been somewhat different from what was anticipated, and the difference has existed equally as regards wives and as regards unmarried women. The women of the Victorian age were, and a great many women still are, in a mental prison. This prison was not obvious to consciousness, since it consisted of subconscious inhibitions. The decay of inhibitions, which has taken place among the young of our own time, has led to the reappearance in consciousness of instinctive desires which had been buried beneath mountains of prudery. This is having a very revolutionary effect upon sexual morality, not a only in one country or in one class, but in all civilized countries and in all classes.