女性の人間としての権利(松下彰良 訳)
女性の(諸)権利は,当然のこと,事実において,女性が道徳的にあるいは何かほかの面で男性よりもすぐれているという信念に基づくものではなかった。女性の権利は,もっぱら,女性の人間としての権利に,あるいは,むしろ民主主義(注:誰もが平等な権利を持つという説)を支持する一般的な議論に基づいていた(のである)。しかし,抑圧された階級や国民が、自分たちの権利を主張するときに常に起こることであるが,(女性の権利の)主唱者たちは,女性には特別な長所があると主張して、一般的な議論を強化しようとした。そうして,この長所は,一般に,風紀(moral order 道徳敵秩序)に属するものとして表現されたのである。
Chapter VII: The Liberation of women
The causes of this sudden change are, I think, twofold : on the one hand there was the direct influence of democratic theory, which made it impossible to find any logical answer to the demands of women; on the other hand there was the fact that a continually increasing number of women were engaged in making their own living outside the home, and did not depend for the comfort of their daily lives upon the favour of fathers or husbands. This situation, of course, reached its height during the war, when a very large part of the work usually performed by men had to be undertaken by women. Before the war one of the objections commonly urged against votes for women was that women would tend to be pacifists. During the war they gave a large-scale refutation of this charge, and the vote was given to them for their share in the bloody work. To the idealistic pioneers, who had imagined that women were going to raise the moral tone of politics, this issue may have been disappointing, but it seems to be the fate of idealists to obtain what they have struggled for in a form which destroys their ideals. The rights of women did not, of course, in fact depend upon any belief that women were morally or in any other way superior to men; they depended solely upon their rights as human beings, or rather upon the general argument in favour of democracy. But as always happens when an oppressed class or nation is claiming its rights, advocates sought to strengthen the general argument by the contention that women had peculiar merits, and these merits were generally represented as belonging to the moral order.