聖職者の堕落の例(松下彰良 訳)
しかし、このような,長々と連鎖する教会会議や教会史の著者の挙げる証拠に抵抗することは不可能である。彼らは、単に妾を囲うことよりもずっと大きな害悪を描写している(からである)。司祭が現実に妻をめとった場合、この関係は不法であるという自覚がことに彼らの貞操(観念)にとって致命的であり、そのために重婚や極度の移り気(mobility of attachments)が、特に、彼らの間で一般的に見られたと言われている(It was obserbed that )。
中世の作家(の著作)は、売春宿のごとき女子修道院、女子修道院内でのおびただしい数の嬰児殺し、聖職者の間に常習的に蔓延していた近親相姦に関する記述に満ちあふれている。近親相姦のために、司祭は母や姉妹と同居してはいけないという、この上もなく厳しい条令を出すことが、くりかえし、必要となった。不倫の愛(unnatural love)をほとんどこの世から根絶したのは、キリスト教の偉大な功績の一つであったが、そうした愛が修道院の中にすたれずに残っている、と何度も(more than onde 一度ならず/くりかえし)うわさになった。そして、宗教改革の少し前には,告解場が誘惑の目的で使用されているという苦情が高まり、かつ、頻繁になった。(レッキー『ヨーロッパ道徳史』第二巻、pp.350-351)
Chapter VI: Romantic Love
It was not surprising that, having once broken their vows and begun to live what they deemed a life of habitual sin, the clergy should soon have sunk far below the level of the laity. We may not lay much stress on such isolated instances of depravity as that of Pope John XXIII, who was condemned for incest, among many other crimes, and for adultery; or the abbot-elect of St. Augustine, at Canterbury, who in 1171 was found, on investigation, to have seventeen illegitimate children in a single village; or an abbot of St. Pelayo, in Spain, who in 1130 was proved to have kept not less than seventy concubines ; or Henry III, Bishop of Liege, who was deposed in 1274 for having sixty-five illegitimate children ; but it is impossible to resist the evidence of a long chain of Councils and ecclesiastical writers, who conspire in depicting far greater evils than simple concubinage. It was observed that when the priests actually took wives, the knowledge that these connections were illegal was peculiarly fatal to their fidelity, and bigamy and extreme mobility of attachments were especially common among them. The writers of the Middle Ages are full of accounts of nunneries that were like brothels, of the vast multitude of infanticides within their walls, and of that inveterate prevalence of incest among the clergy, which rendered it necessary again and again to issue the most stringent enactments that priests should not be permitted to live with their mothers or sisters. Unnatural love, which it had been one of the great services of Christianity almost to eradicate from the world, is more than once spoken of as lingering in the monasteries; and shortly before the Reformation, complaints became loud and frequent of the employment of the confessional for the purposes of debauchery.(W. E. H. I.ecky, History of Europcan Morals, vol. ii, pp. 350, 351.)