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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論論 第6章 ロマンティックな恋愛 06-01 Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

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中世における聖職者の堕落(松下彰良 訳)

 キリスト教野蛮人(注:ゲルマンの異教徒など)の勝利とともに、男と女の関係は、古代世界では何世紀にもわたって知られていなかったほどの野蛮さ(獣性)に低下した。古代世界は邪悪ではあったが、獣的ではなかった。(ヨーロッパの)暗黒時代においては、宗教と野蛮が結びついて、人生の性的側面の地位を低下させた(品位を低下させた)。結婚生活においては、妻にはなんの権利もなかった。結婚生活の外では、いっさいが罪であったので、文明化されていない男の自然のままの獣性を抑えるための目標(object 目的)がなかった。中世における不道徳は、広く行きわたり、嫌悪をもよおすものであった。司教は、自分の娘とおおっぴらに罪の生活を送り、大司教は、お気に入りの若者(男性)を近くの司教管区(の司教職)に昇進させた。(注:リー『中世における宗教裁判史』第一巻、pp.9,14/男色のことを言っている。)

Chapter VI: Romantic Love

With the victory of Christianity and the barbarians, the relations of men and women sank to a pitch of brutality which had been unknown in the ancient world for many centuries. The ancient world was vicious, but not brutal. In the Dark Ages, religion and barbarism combined to degrade the sexual side of life. In marriage, the wife had no rights; outside marriage, since all was sin, there was no object in curbing the natural beastliness of the uncivilized male. The immorality of the Middle Ages was widespread and disgusting ; bishops lived in open sin with their own daughters, and archbishops promoted their male favourites to neighbouring sees. (note: Lea, History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages, vol. i, pp. 9, 14) There was a growing belief in the celibacy of the clergy, but practice did not keep pace with precept. Pope Gregory VII made immense exertions to cause priests to put away their concubines, yet so late as the time of Abelard we find him regarding it as possible, though scandalous, for him to marry Heloise. It was only towards the end of the thirteenth century that the celibacy of the clergy was rigidly enforced. The clergy, of course, continued to have illicit relations with women, though they could not give any dignity or beauty to these relations owing to the fact that they themselves considered them immoral and impure. Nor could the Church, in view of its ascetic outlook on sex, do anything whatever to beautify the conception of love. To do this was necessarily the work of the laity.
(掲載日:2016.07.08/更新日: )