平和財団創設の着想(松下彰良 訳)
仲間は組織づくりの経験がなかったし,私自身もまったく得意ではない。しかし少なくともわれわれの目標に,ある種の首尾一貫した前進(cohesive progession)をもたらすことができた。そして我々が誤ったのは,変化と成長を可能にする柔軟性の側面であった。我々は,この組織づくりの初期には,我々の活動の多くを,以前そうであったと同様にとり運んでいかなければならないという事実に,また,私に関しては,この組織づくりの初期には私が公的責任のほとんどを担い最後の調停者としての立場を保持しなければならないという事実に,直面した。我々はこの組織をしだいに強化していきたいと思った。そうして,その組織の日々の仕事だけでなく,そうした組織が現実に存在するということからそれに伴う責任や組織としての計画がうまれるだろうと思っていた。我々が進んできた跡をふり返ってみると,初めの3年間に,大胆にもなしとげたいと思っていたことよりもはるかに多くのことをなし遂げたように思われる。 |
v.3,chap.4: Foundation All this work steadily mounted in demand. By 1963, it was rapidly becoming more than one individual could carry on alone even with the extraordinarily able and willing help that I had. Moreover, the expenses of journeys and correspondence - written, telegraphed and telephoned - and of secretaries and co-workers was becoming more than my private funds could cover. And the weight of responsibility of being an entirely one-man show was heavy. Gradually the scheme took shape, hatched, again, I think, by the fertile mind of Ralph Schoenman, of forming some sort of organisation. This should be not just for this or that purpose. It should be for any purpose that would forward the struggle against war and the armaments race, and against the unrest and the injustices suffered by oppressed individuals and peoples that in very large part caused these. Such an organisation could grew to meet the widely differing demands. It could, also, reorientate itself as circumstances changed. A good part of my time, therefore, in 1963, was taken up with discussing plans for the formation of such an organisation. Many of my colleagues in these discussions had been working with me since the early days of the Committee of 100. My colleagues were inexperienced in organisation and I myself am not at all good at it, but at least we brought our aims into some sort of cohesive progression, and, where we erred, it was on the side of flexibility which would permit of change and growth. We faced the fact that in the early days of the onganisation our work must be carried on much as it had been, with me bearing most of the public responsibility and holding the position of final arbitrator of it. We hoped to strengthen the organisation gradually. We felt that not only the day-to-day work for it, but the responsibility and the planning should, in time, be borne by it as an entity. As I Iook back upon our progrcss, it seems to me that we achieved far more than we had dared to hope to do in its first three years. |