実情調査のため,世界中に代理人を派遺 (松下彰良 訳)
v.3,chap.4: Foundation Through the last years, and especially recently, since I have been able to act in this work as part of an organisation, I have sent fact-finding representatives to many parts of the world. They have gone to most European countries, 'East' and 'West', and to many eastern countries - Cambodia, China, Ceylon, India, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam. They have gone to Africa - Ethiopia and Egypt and the newer countries of both East and West Africa. And, of course, they have gone to countries of the Western Hemisphere, both north and south. These investigators have been generously welcomed by the Heads of the countries to which they journeyed and by many of the Government officials and heads of organisations dealing with problems in which they are interested. And, naturally, they have talked with members of the general public. I have myself carried on prolonged correspondence with the various Heads of State and officials, and have discussed in London a variety of international problems with them, particularly with those from Eastern Europe and Asia and Africa. The gatherings for the Commonwealth Conference, especially, made possible many of these meetings. Some of them were entertaining and adorned with the proper trappings - flashing eyes, robes, scimitars, jewels and tall, fierce attendants - as was my meeting with the Sheikh of Bahrein in 1965, the memory of which I rejoice in. On special subjects, of course, I am in frequent touch with the Embassies in London. |