* 高校の時に,スペインの哲学者オルテガの「新恋愛論」(堀秀彦訳,角川文庫版)を興味深く読んだ。スタンダールの恋愛における結晶作用(「ザルツブルクの木の枝」)に対するオルテガ批判は有名。
このような肉体的な性への没頭と時を同じくして,理想主義的な感情も非常に強くなったが,それは性的なものに由来するものであるとは,当時の私は理解しなかった。私は,日没や雲や春と秋の木々の美しさに強い関心を持つようになったが,それは無意識的な性の昇華であり,また現実からの逃避の試みであるということに原因があるものであり,それゆえ私の関心は,非常に感傷的なものであった。 |
![]() * From Free animation library : https://www.animationlibrary.com/a-l/ I had by this time quite lost the rationalist outlook on sex which I had had before puberty, and accepted entirely the conventional views as quite sound. I became morbid, and regarded myself as very wicked. At the same time, I took a considerable interest in my own psychology, which I studied carefully and not unintelligently, but I was told that all introspection is morbid, so that I regarded this interest in my own thoughts and feelings as another proof of mental aberration. After two or three years of introspection, however, I suddenly realised that, as it is the only method of obtaining a great deal of important knowledge, it ought not to be condemned as morbid. This relieved my feelings on this point. Concurrently with this physical preoccupation with sex, went a great intensity of idealistic feeling, which I did not at that time recognize as sexual in origin. I became intensely interested in the beauty of sunsets and clouds, and trees in spring and autumn, but my interest was of a very sentimental kind, owing to the fact that it was an unconscious sublimation of sex, and an attempt to escape from reality. |