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バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第1章 - 果物に関する迷信?(松下彰良・訳) - The Autobiography of Bertraned Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第1章(幼少時代)累積版 総目次

 私は果物を全然食べず,ほとんど秒糖もとらず,炭水化物をとり過ぎていた。にもかかわらず,11歳のときに軽い麻疹(はしか)にかかった以外は一日として私は病気になったことがなかった。自分の子供が生まれて,私が子供に関心をもつようになって以来,私が子供の頃健康であったほどに健康な子供を私はまったく見たことがない。しかしそれでもなお,現代の子供の食事に関する専門家はみな,(私の当時の食事内容では)私は栄養失調によるいろいろな病気にかかったに違いないと考えるだろうと確信する。多分,私は'野生リンゴ'(crab apples)を盗み食いする習慣があったので救われたのであろう。そして,もしそのような事実が知られたら,極度の恐怖と驚きをひき起こしたことであろう。同様の自己保存本能から,私は最初の嘘をついた。私の保母兼家庭教師が,自分がいない時にけっして黒苺(ブラックベリー)を食べてはいけないと厳重に私に言い聞かせ,30分ほど私を一人にした。彼女がもどって来た時には,私は挙動不審な様子で黒苺(ブラックベリーor木いちごの茂み?)の近くにいた。

crab apple (野生リンゴの一種)

I remember an occasion at lunch when all the plates were changed and everybody except me was given an orange. I was not allowed an orange as there was an unalterable conviction that fruit is bad for children. I knew I must not ask for one as that would be impertinent, but as I had been given a plate I did venture to say, 'a plate and nothing on it'. Everybody laughed, but I did not get an orange. I had no fruit, practically no sugar, and an excess of carbo-hydrates. Nevertheless, I never had a day's illness except a mild attack of measles at the age of eleven. Since I became interested in children, after the birth of my own children, I have never known one nearly as healthy as I was, and yet I am sure that any modern expert on children's diet would think that I ought to have had various deficiency diseases. Perhaps I was saved by the practice of stealing crab-apples, which, if it had been known, would have caused the utmost horror and alarm. A similar instinct for self-preservation was the cause of my first lie. My governess left me alone for half an hour with strict instructions to eat no b1ackberries during her absence. When she returned I was suspiciously near the brambles.
'You have been eating blackberries', she said.
'I have not', I replied.
'Put out your tongue !' she said.
Shame overwhelmed me, and I felt utterly wicked.