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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル自伝 第1巻第1章 - 食べ物についての想い出(松下彰良 訳) - The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, v.1

前ページ 次ページ 第1巻 第1章(幼少時代)累積版 総目次

(*注1:Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de : 1754~1838/日高訳では,「ターレイランド」になっている;世界史上大変有名な人なのに・・・。)
*注2:www.fullbooks.com というサイトの次のURLにラッセルの祖母 Lady John Russell に関する情報が多数載っている。これは祖母に関する著作の全文か? http://www.fullbooks.com/Lady-John-Russell.html ここの pt.6 の注の89に次のような記述があり,デチュゴワヤン伯爵夫妻は,祖父母ラッセル伯爵夫妻と親しかったことがわかる。'[注89] The Comte and Comtesse d'Etchegoyen (_nee_ Talleyrand) were intimate friends of Lord and Lady Russell. He was a French Republican, who had been obliged to leave Paris at the _Coup d'Etat_.')

In the matter of food, all through my youth I was treated in a very Spartan manner, much more so, in fact, than is now considered compatible with good health. There was an old French lady living in Richmond, named Madame D'Etchegoyen, a niece of Talleyrand, who used to give me large boxes of the most delicious chocolates. Of these I was allowed only one on Sundays, but Sundays and weekdays alike I had to hand them round to the grown-ups.
I was very fond of crumbling my bread into my gravy, which I was allowed to do in the nursery, but not in the dining-room. I used often to have a sleep before my dinner, and if I slept late I had dinner in the nursery, but if I woke up in time I had it in the dining-room. I used to pretend to sleep late in order to have dinner in the nursery. At last they suspected that I was pretending, and one day, as I was lying in my bed, they poked me about. I made myself quite stiff, imagining that was how people would be if they were asleep, but to my dismay I heard them saying: 'He is not asleep, because he is making himself stiff.' No one ever discovered why I had pretended to be asleep.
