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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル「バーナード・ショー」n*3 (松下彰良・訳) - George Bernard Shaw, 1953.

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 ショーに対する夫人らしい心使いはなかなか大変だった(楽な仕事ではなかった)。彼ら(ショー夫妻)とウエッブ夫妻とがみな80歳に近づいたころ,彼らはサウス・ダウンズの私のところへやってきた(注:ラッセル夫妻が当時住んでいた兄の別荘 Beacon Hill School。1931年に兄が亡くなるとラッセルのものとなるが,財政上の問題でしばらくしてから売却した。)。私の家には上からの眺めがとても素晴らしい塔があり,みんな階段をのぼった。ショーが先頭に立ち,ショー夫人は最後にのぼったが,彼が階段を登っている間中,「GBS(ジョージ・バーナード・ショーの頭文字),階段をのぼりながらしゃぺっちゃいけません!」と彼女の叫ぶ声が下から聞こえてきた。だが彼女の助言はまったく効果はなく,彼の警句(sentences)はまったくさまたげられることなく,流れつづけた。
Lunching with Mr. and Mrs. Shaw in Adelphi Terrace was a somewhat curious experience. Mrs. Shaw was a very able manager and used to provide Shaw with such a delicious vegetarian meal that the guests all regretted their more conventional menu. But he could not resist a somewhat frequent repetition of his favorite anecdotes. Whenever he came to his uncle who committed suicide by putting his head in a carpetbag and then shutting it, a look of unutterable boredom used to appear on Mrs. Shaw's face, and if one were sitting next her one had to take care not to listen to Shaw. This, however, did not prevent her from solicitude for him. I remember a luncheon at which a young and lovely poetess was present in the hopes of reading her poems to Shaw. As we said good-by, Shaw informed us that she was staying behind for this purpose. Nevertheless, when we departed we found her on the mat, Mrs. Shaw having maneuvered her there by methods that I was not privileged to observe. When I learned, not long afterward, that this same lady had cut her throat at Wells because he refused to make love to her, I conceived an even higher respect than before for Mrs. Shaw.
Wifely solicitude toward Shaw was no sinecure. When they and the Webbs were all nearing eighty, they came to see me at my house on the South Downs. The house had a tower from which there was a very fine view, and all of them climbed the stairs. Shaw was first and Mrs. Shaw last. All the time that he was climbing, her voice came up from below, calling out, "GBS, don't talk while you're going up the stairs!" But her advice was totally ineffective, and his sentences flowed on quite uninterruptedly.